welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

organicgreendoctor: i fell backwards instead

organicgreendoctor: i fell backwards instead: I FELL BACKWARDS INSTEAD   this weekend we moved our clocks forward or we sprang ahead well we didnt really move our clocks  they just chang...

i fell backwards instead


this weekend we moved our clocks forward or we sprang ahead
well we didnt really move our clocks 
they just changed on their own

now if we didnt have daylight not savings time we wouldnt ever have to change them
they would just stay the same

but no 
we cant seem to fix it
i thought trump said he was going to change it first thing
he lied
he didnt
he aint gonna change it

it seems we all mostly want to leave the clocks along
we just cant decide on whether to do daylight not savings time or keep it at standard time

we all are about 50 50 on which way to go
the politicians are afraid to make half of us mad
you wont make me mad since ill accept whichever way you go with this
just do it i say
i personally will accept that decision
doing nothing
well that what it  seems congress does 
is do nothing

arizona hawaii american samoa guam puerto rico and us virgin islands dont change their times
i guess i could move to arizona 

scientists say we would be healthier if we just stuck with standard time
its something to do with that morning sun

we have ben franklin to thank for all of this
he is the one that came up with the idea
he should have just stuck with electricity and lightning 

its been 3 days since the time sprung forward
i still havent caught up on my sleep
i do feel like i sprang forward but fell backwards when i did

i am a morning person
i like it when i sit in front of our window when the sun comes dashing through the windows
warming up and brightening up the room
i feel like i had an extra cup of caffeinated coffee when that happens

i can feel my pineal glad in my brain kicking it

now i dont feel that since that sun hits at a sprung forward time when i am out the door to the garden
in the garden when i get there the sun doesnt hit the garden full strength until an hour later after i have worked for awhile

i miss that invigorating sun when i first arrive
it even seems to affect the chickens 

maybe what i will do is just operate myself on my own standard time schedule
the heck with the politicians
they arent going to fix this i dont think

ill just adjust my schedule to fit the suns natural schedule

maybe thats the answer

the organicgreen doctor

Friday, March 7, 2025

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-i would do it

organicgreendoctor: alzheimers news-i would do it: ALZHEIMERS NEWS-i WOULD DO  IT in his blog dr daniel gibbs wrote about this interesting study described below could this be a new treatment...

alzheimers news-i would do it


in his blog dr daniel gibbs wrote about this interesting study described below
could this be a new treatment or preventative treatment for alzheimers disease

the apoe gene controls lipid transport in the brain

if you have the apoe2 gene you are somewhat protected from getting late onset alzheimers
if you have the apoe3 gene you are less protected than if you have apoe2
if you have the apoe4 gene you are at increased risk of getting late onset alzheimers
if you have the apoe4 apoe4 gene you have an 15 times increased chance of getting the disease

we all have two genes
the best to have is apoe2 apoe2
the worst to have is apoe4 apoe4
in the middle is apoe3 apoe3

i like dr gibbs have the apoe4 apoe4 gene
i have mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers 
he now has progressed to mild alzheimers
i have not so far

he had a large brain bleed when he took aduhelm
luckily i did not have a brain bleed or brain edema when i took it

aduhelm leqembi and kisunia can cause brain bleeds in apoe4 patients
i got the benefit of 34 months of aduhelm
he only got a few doses before he bled

whats next
maybe this

with alzheimers
amyloid accumulates in the brain to form amyloid plaques
later tau protein unwinds to form tau tangles
the amyloid can be measured  in the spinal fluid and in the blood and on amyloid pet scans
the tau can be measured in the spinal fluid and in the blood and on tau pet scans

what if you could add the apoe2 gene to a person with apoe4 apoe4

would it make a difference in amyloid and tau levels and would it make a difference in a persons memory decline

they now have gene treatments for hemophilia so that the normal gene is given to a person with hemophilia and they have normal clotting studies for years
otherwise they have to get monthly infusions of clotting factors to stay alive
the cost of the gene treatment is 3.5 million dollars

there is a treatment for sickle cell anemia where the gene for normal hemoglobulin takes over to produce normal hemoglobulin 
sickle cell is a debilitating disease sometimes fatal secondary to strokes heart attacks or infection

so what if we could do something like that with alzheimers disease
maybe like change the apoe4 to apoe2

so in a study this company posted the results of just that

they took a virus that didnt cause health problems and loaded the apoe2 gene on the virus then injected that into the spinal fluid of patients with the apoe4 apoe4 gene

they found that the amyloid levels stabilized the tau levels declined and the memory stabilized
the person who had the more advanced alzheimers did the best

they also are doing the same thing with a mutated apoe4 called christchurch
this was taken from a lady from columbia who had the early onset alzheimers gene which causes you to develop alzheimers at a young age like 40-50
she didnt get it 
they discovered the christchurch apoe4 gene which was protecting her

now they making the christchurch apoe4 gene to attach to a virus to be injected into the spinal fluid
hopefully it will cause the same good results as it did in the columbian lady

this may work
they re planning larger clinical trials to see if it works
if it does this may be a way to slow this down or prevent it in those of us who have the apoe4 apoe4 gene

would i participate in the clinical trial
absolutely i would

would i consider being treated with this if it makes it to market

the question is 
how much will it cost
a million 2 million 3 million

can we afford it
can i afford it

would i
i would

the organicgreen doctor

Thursday, March 6, 2025

organicgreendoctor: measles revisited

organicgreendoctor: measles revisited: MEASLES REVISITED photo from cdc this is how many cases of measles i saw in my career in family medicine from medical school to retirement a...

measles revisited


photo from cdc

this is how many cases of measles i saw in my career in family medicine from medical school to retirement
a span of 32 years
zero is how many i have seen

those doctors who have been trained since i started have probably never seen a case of measles

the only case i ever saw in my life was me
i was probably 5 or 6
i remember being in bed sick for several days feeling lousy and being covered with a rash

maybe if a doctor had been to a third world country they might have seen a case of measles
but not in the usa

all of us trained who are alive saw cases only in textbooks

in fact a few years ago measles was declared wiped out in the us

well i guess they didnt wipe good enough as now its back again
gradually increasing each week
only 1 child has died
saddenly unnecessarily preventable
that hasnt happened for years


people not getting their kids immunized against measles

you need 95% vaccination rate to get everyone protected
when the rate drops below that that is when measles can appear

1/2 of the counties in texas have a vaccination rate of < 92.7%
this makes the inhabitants or visitors there vulnerable
the county where the outbreak occurred  has around a 67% vaccination rate

one person with measles can expose 18 people to the virus

imagine the kid with measles that recently traveled to austin via a plane and then wandered through the usually busy airport
how many did they infect and how many did those infected infect

we in the usa are at a 92.7% vaccination rate
thats below the needed rate of 95%

measles is the most contagious disease on the earth

there is one way to prevent it
get your measles shot

the most vulnerable are 
immunocompromised persons
pregnant women

there are 159 reported cases in texas
107 cases in gaines county the one with the 67% measles vax rate
22 have been hospitalized
one child died 
needlessly i must add

measles can cause
fetal abnormalities
permanent neurological damage
suppression of the immune system for a period of time


no vitamin a wont really help you
but a vaccine will prevent all of this

are we regressing in our health as a nation
we already rank lower than most of other industrialized countries especially in maternal and child health
Texas being one of the worst states for maternal and child health

i tell folks frequently 
i dont want to die from something i can prevent

the organic green doctor