Monday, February 17, 2025

is this the next one


this picture above is one i posted a lot during the covid pandemic
its a sidewalk drawing done near where we live by a local artist
thats the covid virus going down that deep abyss we all went down for months

the covid infections have become attenuated over time by the fact folks got vaccinated and lots of folks got infected
its now not as virulent unless you are in a vulnerable condition

it covid killed thousands of folks in the us
many i must add did not have to die
lots of mistakes were made

did we learn our lesson
probably not

we are maybe about to find out if we learned our lesson

the bird flu or avian flu

the h1n1 pandemic in 2009 was a flu virus that was a combo of human flu plus an avian flu plus a swine flu 
it the h1n1 was much worse than the regular flu

avian flu apparently has been around for over 200 years and occasionally raises its head to cause problems
this time it seems it may be raising its whole body up

just look what its done for the prices of eggs

it almost seems folks arent talking about it enough
like they whoever they are are hiding whats going on

the bird flu attacks birds and mammals
like cows cats zoo animals and yes humans are mammals

most humans infected are farm workers 
like chicken workers and dairy workers
some are not those workers

two cases one in canada and one in louisiana are none of those
they got real sick like hospital sick

apparently the virus changed some to infect them
also changed more after they were infected

thats called mutation
nature does that so the virus survives the bodies attacks

if the right mutation occurs or if the flu virus and the bird flu virus mate and produce a new mutation that can easily spread to humans and be more virulent
then thats when this h5n1 virus will take off
in a potential pandemic path

are we ready
no we arent
we need to be talking about it more in the news
the cdc and federal and state agencies need to be more open about whats going on with this virus
are the new cdc folks going to screw this one up

does it cause bad human illness
no not so far
the potential for it to worsen is present

this could be the next one
we it appears are not ready for this one either

the organicgreen doctor 

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