welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, January 17, 2025

my story revisited #214 -releaving it helps


there is a long list of things to do in your lifetime to slow down or maybe prevent alzheimers
the usual things like controlling your blood pressure your cholesterol your blood pressure your weight
staying active mentally physically and socially
eating a healthy diet getting adequate sleep controlling anxiety and depression not smoking not drinking or limiting alcohol
there is

i wrote this blog below almost 10 years ago
how you relieve stress hasnt changed
Image result for alzheimers association logo
when i do my alzheimers presentations
i have a slide that list things a person can do
that may slow down or maybe prevent alzheimers disease

if you do all those things at one time
they may be the best we can do right down
to do something
so we wont get it
so we will get it much later in life

on that list

when you think about stress that you have in your life
or had in your life
you get elevated blood pressure increased heart rate
your hands may shake
you may sweat
you may get bad indigestion
you may have to go pee or poop a lot
or you may have constipation
you may get bad headaches
you may get dizzy
you may get depressed
you may not sleep

can you see what im getting at
stress has the potential to cause a lot of health issues

now add to that
alzheimers disease
Image result for crf stress hormone alzheimers
in a recent study looking at this hormones effect on the brains
of mice
they increased this hormone in the brain
called crf or cortitrophin releasing factor

what they found it does is stimulate the brain to overproduce
that bad ole beta amyloid thats been thought to
be the cause of alzheimers

stress causes this hormone to be released in large quantities
in the brain in humans
it may cause this effect also in humans of elevating
the beta amyloid
relieving stress reduces this hormone crf in the brain
which may reduce beta amyloid accumulation
which may slow down alzheimers

Image result for crf stress hormone alzheimers
relieve the stress relieve your life

suggestions from the alzheimers association

identify stress sources and remove yourself from them
learn techniques to relieve stress
talk to someone you trust
change your environment
eg i find working in my garden helps me a lot

if something becomes too difficult
back off and do it later
its taken me awhile to learn to do this as i want to get
things done quickly

use relaxation techniques such as yoga mediation walking exercising
gardening my favorite one
another thing i do is sit on my upper deck at home where
its quiet and relaxing
writing down your thoughts like i do every morning with
this blog

a long hot bath or soak in the hot tub another favorite of mine
music deep breathing watching your favorite tv show
but thats not house of cards since that one just makes me
mad about politics

find those things that relax you and do them every day
your brain and your memory will appreciate it
stress affects your health
it can raise your blood pressure make you eat too much or not enough give you indigestion or give you headaches or affect your sleep 

how do you relieve it
avoid it
i use my garden time each morning to relieve my stress
for 2-3 hours nothing worries me as i spend time there all alone
its my meditation time

some folks use yoga or meditation or music or walking at the beach or park or other exercise

for me
its gardening
it soothes my soil
i feel relaxed

find your stress reliever
save you brain
your soul

the organicgreen doctor

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