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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
organicgreendoctor: one of a kind
one of a kind
this is a picture of the infamous larrry the rooster
here is a link to a blog i wrote about him and my wife shes love hate relationship in 2010 about 3 months before i got my diagnosis made.
larry was given to us as a baby chick along with 5 other baby chicks for my sixtieth birthday
each chick represented 10 years
each chick was a hen so they said when they gave them to me
as it turned out 3 of the 6 began to cock a doodle do early in the morning
we gave two away and were left with 3 hens and one rooster we named larry
we named him larry after the seinfeld rooster larry but it was really named jerry but we left him with the larry name since he looked like a larry
larry was an outsider
we already had this large beautiful docile rooster who took could care of his flock of hens in exchange for his servicing them
lets just say our eggs had red dots in their eggs
so larrry kept around the edges of the flock and stayed away from the big ole rooster
we had two small dogs that were scared of little ole larry
he would attack them and even mounted one once to her chagrin
he did not like my wife she
they had a love hate relationship
maybe not a love one
he would attack my wife she every time she got close to him
she had an old broken rake she used to protect herself from the larry attacks to keep him pushed away
this lasted for several years
finally larry decided he would take over the flock
i guess whenever his testosterone got high enough as he aged
he and the giant rooster had a knock down fight one day
larry won
after that day he took over the flock and the other tall beautiful rooster was left to live at the edges of the flock
totally displaced by larry
so larry ruled the coop and the surrounding area for months or it seemed like years
even when we got two new bigger dogs
well they left larry alone as did everyone else
once a friend brought over her young 5 year old grandson who was enjoying the chickens
larry didnt like him being around so he chased him all over the yard screaming as he ran
the grandson not larry was screaming
that child i guess wasnt too traumatized since he now works in the chicken husbandry industry doing chicken research
maybe larry sparked his interest
we even once had a high school student come out and take pictures of our country n
she also did some drawings
one she did was of larry standing on top of a post overlooking his domain
that rooster raised the heart rate and blood pressure of many a visitor to our country n
he did it to my wife she almost on a daily basis
my relationship with him was a so so one
i usually would just push him away gently with my work boot
he would attack that boot multiple times then would give up and would walk away
occasionally he would attack me from behind when i wasnt looking
the worst would be when i was squatted down
that folks would scare the bejeebies out of me
so larry kept it interesting for a long time at the country n
one day when i went to let the chickens out of the coop
there hung larry from a wire on a fence
he had gotten entangled and hung upside which led to his demise
we never buried any of our chickens
we let nature take its course
as much as we feared larry
he did his job
he took care of his girls
larry got his own grave and its probably still marked there
the legend
i hope you are still resting in peace
the organicgreen doctor
Friday, January 24, 2025
organicgreendoctor: fourteen risk factors for dementia
fourteen risk factors for dementia
thats me searching for answers about 14 years ago when i was first diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers disease
i found some answers on what to do and applied them to my treatment program
in this lancet article review linked here it lists these risks that can be modified to lower your dementia risk
looking back over the last 14 years i realize today that if i went into a neurologist for an evaluation for memory loss they would laugh at me and send me out the door if they didnt hear the full story
my memory tests are normal for my age
my amyloid pet scan is normal
my mri scan of my brain in normal
now if they could see my original memory tests and amyloid pet scan and spinal tap for amyloid and tau and my tau pet scans and my apoe4 results then they would say
you have mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers disease
no doubt about it
its just
all those things ive done over the last 14 years have made a difference
for now
if you are worried about entering the alzheimers world with me and others who are so affected with this disease
read the 14 risk factors you can do something about to slow down your risk for this awful disease
some things like having apoe4 single or double gene well if you have that you cant change that
it gives you a 5-10 times increased risk for the disease
doing these 14 modifying risk factors can counter having this gene
if you have the early onset alzheimers gene like presenilin etal then this gene cant really be countered
you will get alzheimers at a young age
here are the 14 modifying risk factors that are up to you to do something about
less education
i did 11 years of education after high school
my job required a lot of continuing education and lots of mental exercise every day
hearing loss
so far i am ok but my wife she says thats not true
i hear her i just dont answer or pretend i dont hear
mine is treated
physical inactivity
i garden every day and getting plenty of steps on my iphone
my blood sugar is normal
social isolation
i interact with others outside of my wife she every day
excessive alcohol consumption
zero is my number
air pollution
our air is clear
not a problem
traumatic brain injury
see below
screened twice a year
high ldl cholesterol
controlled with meds
untreated vision loss
my vision is normal
here is my treatment regimen
i addressed all of these risk factors aggressively 14 years ago
i wished i had done this 50 years ago
i added donepezil or aricept as soon as i was diagnosed
starting it early in the disease process can slow down symptoms
i also received 34 month of aduhelm or aducanumab which removed all of my amyloid plaque from my brain so that my amyloid pet scan is now negative as of last year
nowadays leqembi or kisunia is used to remove the plaques
my memory is normal for my age based on numerous memory tests the last 14 years
i would say my memory tests returned back to normal around 10 years ago and has remained there
i keep working on these risk factors
i take vitamin b12 since i dont absorb b12 very well
i take vitamin d3 since my levels were low
i take vitamin b12 and folate since my homocysteine levels are elevated
i take blood pressure meds to control my blood pressure
i take cholesterol meds to control my ldl cholesterol
i stay active mentally physically and socially
i have sleep issues but manage to get 7 hours of sleep a day
i eat a mind diet mostly vegetarian
i use gardening as my exercise regimen and my peaceful place to be
i am not depressed
i keep my bmi and weight at a normal level
my hearing is normal
should i need hearing aides i will not hesitate to get them
my vision is normal although i will have my cataract surgery soon in my other eye
my right eye was done a few years ago
i have 20/20 vision
i dont drink alcohol
i dont smoke
i dont breathe bad air
here in santa barbara our air is clean unless we get fires close to us
i definitely will wear a mask if we do
i have had no head trauma since i was 50 but i realize the 3 concussions i had in my lifetime didnt help any
what do i do
there are several clinical trials that are using anti tau drugs and anti inflammatory drugs against alzheimers
the problem is
you have to a positive amyloid pet scan to get into the studies
mine is now negative
i will have to wait until they get on the market which could be 5 years away
one treatment that may get approval soon by the fda is leqembi being given as a shot
leqembi will be given as a shot subcutaneously at home once a week to keep the amyloid from reaccumulating
this study i am watching and when its approved i probably will do the leqembi shots
i wait
but you dont have to wait
no matter what your age you can address these 14+ modifiable risk factors for dementia
maybe if you do these you wont end up with this disease or at least you will slow it down some
start now
the oganicgreen doctor
Friday, January 17, 2025
organicgreendoctor: my story revisited #242 -releaving it helps
my story revisited #214 -releaving it helps
there is a long list of things to do in your lifetime to slow down or maybe prevent alzheimers
the usual things like controlling your blood pressure your cholesterol your blood pressure your weight
staying active mentally physically and socially
eating a healthy diet getting adequate sleep controlling anxiety and depression not smoking not drinking or limiting alcohol
there is
i wrote this blog below almost 10 years ago
how you relieve stress hasnt changed
when i do my alzheimers presentations
i have a slide that list things a person can do
that may slow down or maybe prevent alzheimers disease
if you do all those things at one time
they may be the best we can do right down
to do something
so we wont get it
so we will get it much later in life
on that list
when you think about stress that you have in your life
or had in your life
you get elevated blood pressure increased heart rate
your hands may shake
you may sweat
you may get bad indigestion
you may have to go pee or poop a lot
or you may have constipation
you may get bad headaches
you may get dizzy
you may get depressed
you may not sleep
can you see what im getting at
stress has the potential to cause a lot of health issues
now add to that
alzheimers disease
in a recent study looking at this hormones effect on the brains
of mice
they increased this hormone in the brain
called crf or cortitrophin releasing factor
what they found it does is stimulate the brain to overproduce
that bad ole beta amyloid thats been thought to
be the cause of alzheimers
stress causes this hormone to be released in large quantities
in the brain in humans
it may cause this effect also in humans of elevating
the beta amyloid
relieving stress reduces this hormone crf in the brain
which may reduce beta amyloid accumulation
which may slow down alzheimers
relieve the stress relieve your life
suggestions from the alzheimers association
identify stress sources and remove yourself from them
learn techniques to relieve stress
talk to someone you trust
change your environment
eg i find working in my garden helps me a lot
if something becomes too difficult
back off and do it later
its taken me awhile to learn to do this as i want to get
things done quickly
use relaxation techniques such as yoga mediation walking exercising
gardening my favorite one
another thing i do is sit on my upper deck at home where
its quiet and relaxing
writing down your thoughts like i do every morning with
this blog
a long hot bath or soak in the hot tub another favorite of mine
music deep breathing watching your favorite tv show
but thats not house of cards since that one just makes me
mad about politics
find those things that relax you and do them every day
your brain and your memory will appreciate it
stress affects your health
it can raise your blood pressure make you eat too much or not enough give you indigestion or give you headaches or affect your sleep
how do you relieve it
avoid it
i use my garden time each morning to relieve my stress
for 2-3 hours nothing worries me as i spend time there all alone
its my meditation time
some folks use yoga or meditation or music or walking at the beach or park or other exercise
for me
its gardening
it soothes my soil
i feel relaxed
find your stress reliever
save you brain
your soul
the organicgreen doctor
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
organicgreendoctor: the fire of all fires
the fire of all fires
this photo from npr shows the active fire in the los angeles fires we all have been reading about
i was thinking about fires i have been around like this
growing up in rural arkansas
i dont remember fires
later when we moved to the country n in central texas our main exposure was during a severe drought about 10 years ago
during a high wind event the fires started popping up
the worse was the bastrop fire southeast of austin that seemed to burn forever
during that time i remember one weekend when a fire started near the military base bout 40 miles away
the smoke plume looked like it was like a mile away
i felt like we needed to evacuate but we didnt ever have to
reading the history of several small towns near where the country n was mentioned that most of them that disappeared were because of fires that destroyed the towns
they never were rebuilt
one a mile away burned to the ground and never was rebuilt
the only thing left now is an old church
once a neighbor was bushhogging his pasture when a spark ignited a fire
it was windy and the fire grew rapidly
lucky the volunteer fire department got there in time to shut it down
a day or two later it reignited when another wind event happened
when you read old history fire would go across the plains and countryside
it was part of natures work it did
for good some say
that was before we took over the lands
now it burns us our houses our pastures our animals or towns or schools
not long after we moved here to santa barbara the thomas fire hit southern california
it burned for weeks it seemed
at that time it was the largest fire ever out here
note in most of these fires most of the land burned is federal land
i remember the day we had to evacuate santa barbara because of the fires
i went to the garden that sunday morning early not long after the sun started to rise
in the parking lot
our community garden sits at the back of a large church parking lot
in that lot were lots of fire trucks parked overnight
strategically placed
it was clear the sky was that morning blue with the sun just peaking over the trees just as i arrived
i did my garden thing
as i was finishing up my morning garden routine i looked up in the distance back towards where the thomas fire was burning miles away
well it looked like an atomic bomb had gone off
there was this plume of smoke up into the air
as i got to my car the wind had started to blow
the firemen were all standing outside some on their phones looking at that plume of smoke
i headed home which is 2 miles away
those winds like they are having in los angeles started up
stuff was blowing parallel to the ground as i drove
it started to get darker and darker even though the sun was just arising up in the sky
it reminded me of texas when the sky would be clear and blue and sunny and all of a sudden the wind would blow and the sky would get dark with thunderstorms
when i arrived to our condo
i knew
i told my wife she
grab our stuff we need to go
its interesting what you grab
we didnt prepack since we hadnt felt threatened until that moment
off to los angeles we went for several day until that edge of the fire was under control
thats the only exposures i have had to fires
those folks in the los angeles fires especially the palisades and malibu they had less time
the wind and smoke and fires was probably 10 times what we experienced here a few years ago
when they tried to escape they had nowhere to go
its amazing more werent killed
how terrifying that must have been
we left and came back to our condo all intact with with the fire getting only about 20 miles away
when i use to go to ucla to get my monthly infusions we would sometimes leave ucla then to santa monica then to malibu then all the way up the pacific highway back to the 101 in ventura
what a beautiful drive through malibu all along the coast
It was a relaxing beautiful almost zen like trip
ok i commonly would fall asleep eventually since it relaxed me so
the beach houses went for miles
now its all gone
the landscape towards the mountains is all burned like a bomb went off
the beautiful old camping park along the pacific highway where we stayed a couple of days
an iconic one
it completely burned a couple of years ago
last year another section on the edge of the palisades burned
a warning not headed by those who live there and those who protected that area
last winter we got a lot of rain like 40 inches
it made things grow like crazy around here
brush trees grasses
our last rain that was measurable was last april
its dry as a bone here
this whole area is a powder keg just waiting to be lit
it got lit last week
lead to the worst and most expensive fire ever here in calfornia
its not over yet
as i sit here this morning in santa barbara
i can hear the wind blowing
the trees rubbing buildings
its dry as a bone here
it ripe
it just takes a crazy person a cigarette a lawnmower hitting a rock an electric line sparking in the trees
it could happen here
lucky for us the worse winds are between here and los angeles
unlucky for those folks
then finally
can we leave politics out of this
it doesnt matter who is or was in control
this fire would have happened and would have been bad like it is
the government the state local and the federal ones need to step up and do whats right
quit pointing fingers
maybe all of them on both sides need to turn the fingers back on themselves
we all are to blame
just fix it repair it
do whats right
fingers crossed here
it dont happen here
as i look at the terrain here and all the trees and houses and grasses i am surprised it hasnt happened here where we live
we need rain
lots of rain
there is none in our future
our hearts go out to all of those affected by the fires in the los angeles area
the organicgreen doctor
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
organicgreendoctor: deweped
i would like the think these people
joe biden for signing the bill
the house of representatives who overwhelming passed the bill
the senate who also overwhelmingly passed the bill
what bill are you talking about
the bill that eliminated the windfall elimination provision or wep and the government pension offset or gpo
its called the social security fairness act
whats that you say
about 40 years ago congress and i think it was raegan got the idea to save social security money so they decided if certain groups received a state or federal pension then the social security they would received would be offset by the amount of social security they received.
for many if not most they got zero from social security
here is an example
my wife she
she paid in 18 years into the social security kitty
she also taught school for 17 years but her school didnt pay into social security
most wives like her could draw off their social security or off their spouses social security
whichever is the best for them
based on my earnings she when she retired would get $15000 a year
based on her 18 years in the social security system she could get $12000
so she would chose the $15000 based off my earnings
she is school teacher
she gets a teacher retirement so they do this calculation called an offset
when you do the calculation she ends up with $4000
some teachers we know get a zero amount of their social security
this inequity has finally been fixed thanks to those folks above
its hard to believe there was such bipartisan support
my wife she will be getting
$15000 based on my social security
plus she gets back pay for 2024
when i die she now will get $30000 a year
before the deweped was done she would have gotten only $12000 a year
so far my wife she had lost $75000 in lost social security prior to this new law
many lost all of theirs
others so affected are policeman firemen teachers city employees county employees and others
about 3 million folks each year
its about time the dewepeding was done
the organicgreendoctor
Friday, January 3, 2025
organicgreendoctor: revisiting revisitng ...
revisiting revisitng ...
this picture is me talking at our family reunion the first summer after i was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers disease
my younger brother was in the audience and was diagnosed with alzheimers disease
he died 3 years later at the age of 62
my mother died 3 years before in the final throes of this awful disease
both had a 7 year battle with the disease
it won
like it will one day win with me
despite all i have done to slow it down
i know that it will win eventually
i am just hoping i have slowed it down so i will die from something else
maybe old age
each year around christmas i pause and take the time to read this blog titled last day thanks and the following blogs after that to revisit how this journey all started
i use to cry each year at this time when i did the review
this year
for some reason i did not
im just happy i made it this 14 years with a memory thats as good if not better than it was in 2010 when i was diagnosed
i take the time to think about all that has happened to me in this alzheimers world
having to quit my practice doing what i always wanted to do and enjoying what i was doing
moving to a sudden onset of full retirement
i volunteered a lot and still do around 15-20 hours a week
i did a 5 year clinical trial called the adni 2 or alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative 2
i had serial neuro exams lots of labs serial memory testing serial mri scans of the brain pet scans of the brain amyloid pet scans tau pet scans two spinal taps for amyloid and tau
the adni study is probably one of the most important alzheimers study ever done
after the adni study in 2016 i started the aduhelm or aducanumab study where i received 18 months of placebo and then 34 months of the real aduhelm a monoclonal antibody that removed all the amyloid plaque that had accumulated in my brain
now i wait
what to do next
waiting for that next drug that may help
i wait
there might not be another one
maybe leqembi the aduhelms cousin may be approved for maintenance treatments and will be given as an injection possibly at home to keep the amyloid from accumulating
i wait
we wait
for the next step
i have been on aricept or donepezil since 2010
it slows down symptoms but doesnt stop the disease
if started early like i did it actually prolongs the life of an alzheimers patient
they also do better with their symptoms
luckily i have been able to tell my story via several videos and interviews over the last 14 years
many have reached out to me for advice and help steering themselves or their loved ones through the health care system
some turned out not to have alzheimers but other treatable causes of memory loss
these cases make me feel good that i helped in some way
i have also given lot of talks on alzheimers and done lots of q and as afterwards
these are my favorites where i can just answer the questions folks cant get answers to
its been a long journey
i do feel good about where i am at right now
i hope it continues like this for a awhile longer
thanks to yall for following me along this journey
the organicgreen doctor