science museum
this is a kid from years ago in an iron lung
without the iron lung he couldnt breathe and would die
since he was completely paralyzed from polio
some folks had to live their whole life in these
he is smiling in this photo but my guess is he didnt smile much
the solution to prevent this from happening was
the polio vaccine
the polio vaccine thats being under attack how
its becoming political
it should not be
now its not eradicated
its still out there waiting for a large group of people who have no immunity so it can infect them
paralyzing them
killing them
the patients i had with polio related disabilities were older than me and had contracted it before the vaccine became available
many wore braces or used crutches or had neurological symptoms from the infection
these disabilities lasted forever
they were the lucky ones
they lived
in my career the one immunization that stands out is the h influenza vaccine
h flu is not the flu but a potentially aggressive bacteria that hits kids under 5 the hardest
causing things like
joint infections
ear infections
and a potential fatal infection called epiglottitis where the airway closes down
the only emergency treatment is an emergency tracheotomy
they cant even be intubated
yes i saw kids die from epiglottitis
when i started my residency rotations at the childrens hospital one of my first icu patients was an 18 month old child named jeremy who came home sick from daycare and within 1 day was my icu patient with not only h. flu meningitis but also had developed multiple abscesses in the brain
when i left the service 3 months later he was transferred to a long term care facility for brain damaged infants and children
man that left an impression on me that lasted all my career
within 2 years the h flu infections seemed to disappear
the h flu germ didnt disappear
its just waiting for unimmunized folks ie kids to show up
then it will infect many of them
some may end up like my patient
thats what happens when politics enters the scientific medical world
most practitioners today that are still working since they are younger than me have never seen a h flu infected patient
in fact they might not even think about this infection
for some reason i had several families who did not vaccinate their families
i told them i didnt agree with them
unlike some doctors that refuse to take care of them i did
on more than one time i was faced with a unimmunized baby or infant with high fever
was it h flu or pneumococcal or meningococcal infection or was it viral
in an immunized child it wasnt an issue
they were protected
nowadays besides h flu add pertussis or whooping cough diphtheria tetanus measles polio hepatitis a hepatitis b flu covid meningococcal and hpv
we shouldnt be seeing these infections
but we are
but we will if politics prevail
i saw one case of tetanus in my career
in the morgue
i saw one case of measles in my career
in a 12 year old that ended up in a long term care facility with measles encephalitis
my first case of h flu epiglottitis i saw was a 5 year old also in the morgue
unimmunized kids are at risk for these infections
many can be fatal
these cases i have seen are why i am an advocate for immunizations
none of these patients should have died or been disabled from these diseases
these disease ae still out there
they can be prevented by immunizations
lets not go back in time
the organicgreen doctor
Amen! I remember.scary..and small pox 2.