welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Thursday, December 5, 2024

duct tape art work


several years ago someone bought this piece of art work and sent it to me
why you say

i was known as the dr duck doctor and the duct tape doctor

i would talk to my younger patients like donald duck which entertained them
some didnt even know my name 
they called me dr duck

even today when i interact with elementary kids in the garden or in the garden at the elementary school they love for me to talk like donald duck
it makes their day
and mine

the duct tape label started when i began to use duct tape the real strong sticky stuff to wrap over warts 
the duct tape was left on for a week then removed
many times the wart would peel off with the tape

it was a much less painful way to treat the warts
my first use was on a high school track star who developed a large wart on his big toe during this track season
i was afraid freezing it aggressively would hinder his track season
i had read about duct tape use for warts so we tried it
a week later the big ole wart came off when he removed the duct tape
all without pain or scarring

from there i became interested in duct tape uses 
folks started sending me duct tape suggestions and it only grew from there

folks also called me the duct tape doctor

this picture uses both of these to illustrate my interest or my nicknames 
the person who  bought this for me was quite pleased with the find

so i am always looking for new duct tape uses

now that picture above is an actually true art work

below is another duct tape art work story
i guess thats what you call it
this one is a little quirky
the full story from npr is linked here

this contemporary or should i say temporary piece of art work sold for 6000000+ at auction
it was bought by a crypto person
its called 
i guess cause the jokes on him or on us

i guess since its a  joke right
maybe its good for a chuckle or a smirk

what did the new owner plan to do with it
eat the banana

none of my previous duct tape story could match this one

today as i go to the garden i plan to pick a loofah and take my roll of grey duct tape and duct tape the loofah to our front gate

i plan to sell this piece of art work as a fundraiser for our garden
wonder if i have any buyers or donors

you could just donate to our end of the year crowd fundraiser for our garden at this link below

i like this picture better
all this food was donated to those in need

the organicgreen doctor

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