Monday, December 30, 2024

alzheimers news-the workup


this weekend someone was telling me about a relative who had memory issues and was having a workup or evaluation done for their memory loss

i told them that i would write a blog today about what to do if you have memory loss

its simple
get an evaluation or a workup done

it the diagnosis is not always alzheimers disease
a recent friends husband was having memory issues
they were convinced he had alzheimers
it turns out it was depression and once the depression was treated his memory improved

i have heard of sleep apnea patients who when treated their memory returned to normal
patients with low thyroid have had their memory improved with treatment

its important to seek an evaluation as early as possible
i always say i am the  poster child for an early evaluation
i really think thats why i am doing so well 14 years later
i was diagnosed early and started all these treatments early on

if you wait too late 
it may be too late to help

what to do

see a provider for only memory loss 
bring a list of things you and others have noticed
bring a list of all your medications including any over the counter ones including any herbs or supplements

if the memory loss is advancing the patient should not go alone
many providers will want a person to come along with the patient 

you should have a good medical history and exam 
this might show up something that might explain the memory loss

a memory test like the mmse or moca may be done
these are fairly accurate 
commonly they are followed up with a neuropsychological exam if indicated
this exam takes longer and is more accurate
a clock test or similar quicky test may show problems but if things are early they may not show up
the moca test takes about 20 minutes is probably more accurate 
the neuropsychological exam is the gold standard

then labs are done
usually a cbc a chemistry profile that has electrolytes liver functions kidney functions a thyroid level a vitamin b12 level and some would add a vitamin d3

then based on what all this shows an mri scan of the brain is commonly done to rule out other diseases in the brain like strokes masses brain shrinkage and other abnormalities

for some folks these tests will give the provider the diagnosis
for other folks 
further testing is needed either a spinal tap for amyloid and tau or an amyloid pet scan for amyloid plaques
if the person has alzheimers then the amyloid pet scan will be positive

these should give you a diagnosis

what do you do

maximize your health

control your blood pressure your cholesterol your blood sugar
dont be afraid to use medications to control these

maintain a normal weight

stay active mentally socially and physically

avoid excessive alcohol
dont smoke

get adequate sleep
correct any abnormalities such as sleep apnea

treat and address any depression or anxiety 

eat a well balanced diet
the mind diet is recommended

if you are diagnosed with alzheimers consider start taking aricept or donepezil 
it slows down symptoms
there are side effects like nausea and diarrhea but i found after about 6 weeks those symptoms mainly went away
patients who take aricept or donepezil especially those who start it early on tend to live longer 

if you have mild cognitive impairment due to alzheimers or mild alzheimers you should consider taking leqembi or kisunia which are given as infusions 
these monoclonal antibodies against amyloid plaques will remove the plaques
patients may get about a 30+% slowing of memory decline

there are risks like brain bleeds that can occur
i took 3 years of these infusions and my amyloid plaques are now cleared out for now

we dont really know how well these really work long term
i and others chose to take the chance 
what else is there to do

you have to remember that you will not beat his 
it will win eventually 
but hopefully you can slow it down

i was diagnosed 14 years ago and really didnt think that in 2024 i would be able to sit here and write this blog
i thought i would be gone by now or in a memory center

i did all those things listed above
i did aricept
i did aduhelm a cousin to leqembi

add all those things up 
thats why i am doing better than i was in 2010 when i was diagnosed

here is my blog with a video on what happens in the brain with alzheimers
i recommend folks watch it so they know what is going on in their loved ones brain

the website is a good one to look at and sign up for their newsletter
google my name on their site and read my interview from a few years ago

the other website is the alzheimers association website
it is a good resource for information and you can find local services with the local alzheimers association 

get a good workup
dont accept not getting a good workup
change providers if they wont do one

do all the healthy things
consider taking aricept
consider taking the infusions of leqembi or kisunia
educate yourself and your family

Good luck
its a long journey

the organicgreen doctor

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