welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

my story revisited #210-more momentum


i did my first walk to end alzheimers in 2011
this next month i will be doing my 14th year of these walks
i skipped two years due to the pandemic
most of these events i have done a few minutes talk on my story for the audience
yes i cry every time and yes many in the audience cries also

this year if i talk at the walk i will be more positive
we have come a long way since 2011 and even since i wrote this blog below in 2015

the article linked in the old blog below is well written

i can feel even more momentum picking up now

i can feel it building
this momentum to find a cure and treatment
im bleeding purple this morning when i cut myself

i felt it last week when i did my presentation on
alzheimers to a large crowd
after talking for 30 minutes
i let them ask me questions that they wanted answered
my oh my
they asked a ton of questions
in fact i told them
ill stay here until they run us out
until there are no more questions asked

i noticed that people dont get their answers from
their medical providers
who are either too busy
may not know themselves

many of the questions should have been answered
by the providers

why dont they or why dont we provide those answers

in reviewing comments from the attendees
they felt like they got some needed answers that day

here is a newspaper article on the presentation

then this weekend
we did our first of our walk to end alzheimers in williamson county
quite a success it was

these walks mean a lot to people who have had family
with the disease
i always take a pause
thinking of
my mother my dad my younger brother and older brother
all affected by this disease
as i walk i usually will strike up a conversation with other walkers
sometimes ending in teary eyes as they remember their
loved ones

this walk just seems to feel good
its the fifth time we have done this walk
its getting bigger and bigger each year

this year there were 650+ walkers
raising over $65000 for alzheimers research and education
almost all this money goes to that cause

there is a lot of youth at this walk
which we need
an influx of youth
they are the silent ones in the alzheimers battle
they lose their parents grandparents aunts and uncles
to this terrible disease
you know it must bother them a lot
many dont understand why

there seemed to be a lot of energy at this walk
that makes that momentum move forward
on to the next one
on to a cure

a weekend well spent
as i am getting ready to walk in the walk to end alzheimers here in santa barbara in about a month i was thinking about all the gains we have made in the alzheimers world since i was diagnosed in 2010

we now know that doing all the healthy things one should be doing well documented in my old blogs that one can slow the disease down or maybe even prevent it if done over a lifetime

taking aricept or donepezil early in the disease process may delay the progression of symptoms and maybe allow you to live longer

there are 3 new drugs called anti amyloid monoclonal antibodies that have been approved by the fda
aduhelm my drug is off the market but its cousin leqembi is available now for treatment in early alzheimers
kisunia another one is approved for use also

these drugs may slow down symptoms by as much as 30%

doctors can now more definitely diagnose alzheimers by using exam and history labs memory testing mri then amyloid pet scans and soon to be available alzheimers blood tests

so when you are told you have it they arent just guessing any more 

so they can accurately diagnose you
start treatment if its caught early enough
soon in the near future also treat your tau tangles that accumulate and the inflammation that occurs

hopefully all of this will slow the disease down

for me
i am waiting to see when i need to be retreated again
science doesnt know for sure when to retreat
when they decide i plan to retreat

if you are in the santa barbara area join us for our walk to end alzheimers at the link below
join a walk where you live

the alzheimers association is the reason we have made good progress on this disease through its research lobbying and education programs

here is the link to our team organicgreendoctor to donate 
see you on saturday november 16th at chase palm park 

the organicgreen doctor

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