Friday, September 20, 2024

garden news-lifebloods of the garden


this is a 15 cubic yard pile of organic compost we ordered to use in our garden
we were able to get a grant to pay for this compost

compost is the lifeblood of the garden
it is what makes our soil so rich and is what makes our vegetable production go up

we have these 9 four foot compost bins that we use to make our own compost
but we have started the last few years to add more compost to our beds so we needed more compost than what we can produce

our soil is a clay soil so we need the extra compost to improve the quality of the soil

this will be our 3rd year to buy this extra compost to add to our garden
you can tell the difference it makes in how fluffier the soil has gotten over the last 3 years and how more and bigger produce we are producing

yes compost is the lifeblood of the garden

when we prep our beds we dont ever till or dig them up
we trench along side the bed throwing the soil onto the bed
we add 3-4 inches of compost on top the bed
add an organic fertilizer
fork this in with a large broadfork which is like a 3 foot wide fork with 10 inch tines
the bed is then raked out smooth

we try to do this a few weeks before we will plant
we add a covering of straw to keep it from drying out
then rake back the straw at planting time
this allows the soil to percolate and get even richer

we have 19 beds that are 30 foot long
we have 9 raised beds that are about10 foot long

we are producing over 5000 lbs of organic produce we donate to those in need

yes compost is the lifeblood of the garden

we also have events all year including a fall harvest program of over 500 elementary kids a pumpkin patch frequent garden tours an easter egg hunt plant sales a christmas tree lot sale and more

raising our vegetables in our organic gardens is the lifeblood of what makes this garden so attractive to visitors

so we have two lifebloods
the gardens

the organicgreen doctor 

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