Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 7th


i circle august 7th on my calendar every year

the day that i started my blog in 2010
the day mr h was born
the day mr n was born
the anniversary for my parents who are now deceased

the next day august 8th was the day my younger brother died from alzheimers in 2013

august 7th is a happy day 
august 8th is a day i tend to get melancholic thinking about my younger brothers life a successful one as a fireman and deputy sheriff and a father a husband a grandfather and a uncle
that day bothers me since he was a year younger than me 
i have the same diagnosis but have managed to delay its saddening effects so far
i wish he could have been able to slow things down
what a difference we have learned about alzheimers in the last 11 years since he died
if we had been born a generation later we might be spared the alzheimers effects on our lives and our families

i always pause in the morning of august 8th usually in my garden in the early morning all by myself with the peace and quiet and i think of him
we all miss him

mr h and mr n two of my grandsons both have the same birthday 
they are both full of life and curiosity
mr h of course got a release on a new life with his new kidney 4 years ago

my parents had a long life together
we always think of them on this day

14 years ago after working in my garden i sat down to watch a pbs show about a housewife and mom that started blogging 
i told my wife she
you know i could do that 
i always wanted to do that
so i did
i have written 4156 blogs and have received 1846478 views of my blog

one i wrote a few months before i was diagnosed was about mild cognitive impairment
a diagnosis i would get a few months later
ive learned a lot about mild cognitive impairment and alzheimers over the last 14 years

after i was diagnosed i have written a lot about alzheimers disease and have communicated with lots of readers about this disease
i have also had several interviews for newspapers tv and websites about alzheimers
i also have done lots of seminars and presentation on alzheimers
my favorite is a simple question and answer session with folks to answer the questions they arent getting answers to

one reporter that interviewed me said my blog was flight of ideas with an ee cummings flare
i dont use punctuation or capital letters

all my writing now that i do seems to be that way
like a generation z or millennial would do

i use to write more about green living and rainwater harvesting but since moving to california i do less on these topics
i do try to write about funny things i see in the news or interesting things
like uses for duct tape

i plan to continue to write my blog as long as my writing makes sense
i realize that i will eventually lose the capacity to write
when i have to stop
i know i will have left a long trail of my thoughts for others to read after i am gone

in the meantime
each year i will celebrate august 7th and feel sad on august 8th

when i cant feel those two days anymore its time to stop

the organicgreen doctor

1 comment:

  1. thank are a pioneer and my mentor.
