Wednesday, March 27, 2024

my story revisited #202-the advice has changed some


i am in a different phase in my journey with alzheimers disease
i am in the sit and wait phase
i have done all i can do to slow things down
including receiving those 34 monthly infusions of aduhelm which removed all of the amyloid plaque from my brain

i am going on with my life
volunteering as the garden manager of our community garden

just waiting to see what effect my drug aduhelm will have on my disease progression

i may have to wait for the next new drugs to come along to slow down the alzheimers
i am presuming it will be an antitau drug and or an antiinflammation drug
probably 5 years from now they might be available outside of clinical trials

im just waiting
doing all the healthy things one does to slow down the disease some
see below blog

now today in 2024
i would add to the evaluation one does these things
get evaluated early before symptoms worsen
these treatments will work best when started early in the disease

its like cancer
treat it early and you can have good results
treat it later and you have less good results

exam labs good memory test mri amyloid pet scan

until you have had these you cant rule out alzheimers disease as a cause of your memory issues
something is found like medications mental health issues sleep problems stress drug or alcohol abuse as the cause
these have to be corrected first since they may be the cause of your memory issues

my blog stats as of today are 

i have posted 4100 blogs
i have 1760 comments
i have 1740835 page views
i had 2244 page views yesterday

this is the 5th anniversary of this blog
this will be the 1314th blog ive written
there have been 557,585 page views of the blogs

thanks to those who read this blog

someone contacted me recently about some memory loss
the symptoms were mild but noticeable

they read my blog and sent back a message
i think it may be my parkinsons thats causing it

they are correct that a people with parkinsons may
develop memory issues similar to those with alzheimers
sometimes the two diseases can actually overlap

this person should probably see their medical provider
to look for other causes for memory loss
medications prescription and over the counter ones
antihistamines like benadryl or sleep aids can cause memory
sleep problems like sleep apnea or restless legs
stress especially new stress
anxiety depression
a decrease in physical and mental activity
excessive use of alcohol or drugs legal or illegal
meds such as pain meds or nerve pain meds
i was on an antibiotic that affected me
stopping it cleared up the symptoms

they should consider having labs done to look for
causes of memory loss
thyroid level b12 level metabolic chemistry lab for electrolytes
glucose kidney function and liver function tests
things that could affect the memory
i had my labs repeated in the last two years
and my vitamin d levels and vitamin b12 levels were low

they should have a memory test done by a medical provider
the commonly used one in the office is called a moca test
some doctors use a mmse test but the moca test is more
sensitive to early changes
eg my initial mmse was normal but the moca was abnormal

an mri may or may not need to be done
this would be based on what shows up in the history and examination
and labs and memory tests

then at the end of the evaluation
if its parkinson's as the probably cause
then at least you know why the memory loss is present
what can be done about it

maximize you control of your blood pressure cholesterol
do regular exercise
get adequate sleep
avoid excessive stress
control anxiety and depression
eat correctly
avoid excessive alcohol and drug use
enjoy life
the best thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting alzheimers is

you should start these on the first day you are born
the same for your kids

those prevention things to do are listed above in my old blog written about 9 years ago

prevention is still the best medicine

the organicgreen doctor

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