welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Thursday, January 19, 2023

garden news-planting cabbage


each winter we plant cabbage in our community garden
the organic soup kitchen which we donate a lot of produce to uses it in their soups
the soup kitchen provides soups full of nutrition to the elderly cancer patients and others needing nutritious meals
as i wrote before 3 years ago i lived on these organic soup kitchen soups when i couldnt tolerate food and was starving to death

this bed above is actually a planted leek bed i wrote about recently
since i didnt photo my unplanted cabbage bed ill use this picture
it looks just like the cabbage bed prior to planting minus the leek plants of course

rake the bed smooth to remove any debris
add a good generous layer of compost we make ourselves
add a layer of organic fertilizer at the recommended rate on the bed
fork all this in with a broad fork
dont till our soil
rake this out smooth

this leaves a bed like in the picture with compost and fertilizer scattered deep in the soil
the tines on the broad fork are about 10 inches long

then we use the shovel in the picture below the rake
it is 2 ft long so thats how far apart we dig the hole for the cabbage plants
in each hole we sprinkle some worm compost about a tbsp plus 
this is worked into the bottom of the hole
we stagger the holes as is shown in the picture

we plant the cabbage plants which we started from seed two months ago to the soil line of the plant
we water it in with a fish emulsion seaweed molasses mixture
we feed them this mixture twice a month

we planted about 30 in this row
earlier this winter we planted another row of 30 cabbage

the cabbage is a variety called copenhagen
it does well here 
we grew this variety the last two seasons
we donate most of them to the organic soup kitchen
some go to shelters food kitchens etc

i like to eat them raw or in a salad
they taste so good fresh from the garden

i also make a cabbage soup with them
i also eat then steamed

we also have a row of red cabbage growing in the garden
these were donated to us from a local organic gardener
we planted a row of these of about 30 plants
these will be donated also 

cabbage fresh out of the garden does not taste the same as the ones you buy at the store
these we grow taste so much better

try cabbage in your garden

the organicgreen doctor

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