welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Friday, August 7, 2020

blog anniversary


today is the 10th anniversary of my blog

it also is a big day around our house

my parents anniversary was on this date

it would have been their 80th anniversary if they had both lived long enough

it is mr hudsons second birthday and he got his best ever birthday present one month early in the form of a new kidney from a live kidney donor who gave him a new life

what a great gift the best gift he could have gotten for his birthday

yes he is doing great now he is happy and plays all day long

then to top it off early this morning our youngest son and his wife had their first baby so the two cousins get to celebrate their birthdays together

then of course its my blogs anniversary number 10

ten years ago while working in the garden i came in and my wife she said come watch this story on pbs about this lady that started a blog

so i did

i said you know ive been wanting to do that now for a long time so i did i started this blog originally writing about gardening and green living and medical stuff and news stuff but then later when i was diagnosed with mci 4 months later i added alzheimers disease to the list and my story with my journey through my workups and treatments and research studies i was in

one of my early blogs was on mild cognitive impairment months before i was diagnosed

i had no idea that that would be the label placed on me four months later

here are some of my blogs stats

i have had 945,000 page views of my blog on about 2700 blogs i have written

i should reach a million views by the end of the year

i get comments on my blog but most comments show up on social media

i have interacted with folks across the us mostly on things to do with alzheimers disease

i have helped several folks work their way through the healthcare system to get the evaluation and care they need for memory loss

i have also encouraged people to join alzheimers research studies which many have done

a lot of folks have asked me questions about gardening which i gladly answer

i now write a lot about the covid 19 pandemic which gets a lot of readership as i keep up with what is going on in the covid 19 world and try to be accurate in what i write about it

i probably had the covid 19 infection but cant be sure until i get my final accurate antibody test when they become available

i write about my gardening at the community garden 

i write a weekly on friday blog on alzheimers news trying to pick out uptodate information thats on the news

i write a weekly usually on wednesday blog revisiting my old blogs giving my perspective on what i wrote and how things may have changed to also give a sort of chapters from a book on my story with alzheimers

i still look for items on duct tape to write about 

i reviewed this that i wrote last year

i hope when i write about this anniversary next year

that i will be as positive as i am now

i hope to be in a new alzheimers treatment study next year
mr hudson should have his new kidney by this time next year
a change in his life for the better

well i dont know about that positive thing this year what with all thats going on in the world

heres hoping that next year will be more positive for all of us

the aducanumab treatment study has been delayed but the biogen company that makes it has applied for its use to treat alzheimers either way i hope to eventually restart the drug

of course myr hudson getting his new kidney topped the year as did getting a new grandson on this date

i plan to keep writing this blog as long as i am able to do so

here is to next years anniversary blog so that i can write that our country is in a better place for all of us

the organicgreen doctor

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