there are always patients that you remember forever
michael was one of them
when i pulled up the old blog below it put a smile on my face and a smile in my heart
i swear after i reread it i started to feel better this morning
michael was my patient from birth till the time i had to quit practice 6 years later
i still see his face and witticisms float across my facebook page
he is now a handsome teenager
you knew when you saw him he was a special kid
for several years after i wrote this blog i got to see him at the alzheimers walk each fall
he would walk up and give me a big ole hug
put that special smile with his dimples showing up on his face
if more kids would be like him
thanks michael for making me smile and feel good this morning
i needed that
this is a story about michael
hes a special person
hes 7 years old
he was my patient in the clinic where i worked
i was the only doctor he had ever had
he raised $390 and donated it to the walk to end alzheimers
he made small pillows and sold them to whoever would listen to his
story and buy them from him
he would stand outside stores with a box of them to sell
this is how he raised money this year
it wasnt his first time to do this
his grandmother works at a home that takes care of people with
early alzheimers
he told his grandmother he wanted her to hold a place in the home
for me
below are some pictures of michaels letter to me,
the pillow he gave me,
the sign he made for his wagon and
a picture of michael pulling his younger brother and sister in his
wagon with his signs on the side
at a walk to end alzheirmers that my wife she and i did this
i will admit i got teary eyed when i read the letter and when he gave
me the pillow
yes folks there is hope for the future
its you michael
again michael thank you very much
you made my year worth it
the pillow
the letter
dear dr nash.
this year i made pillows to rais mony for the memory walk
i made this pillow special for you
i miss you
love, michael
the sign he placed on the side of his wagon
i am walking for dr nash he was my my first dr
michael pulling the wagon with his sister and brother
with his sign on it
he is a special guy
our hope for the future
the organicgreen doctor
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