since this covid 19 thing has come along and we all need to stay inside as much as possible and especially since my wife she and i got sick with what i am sure was the covid 19
we have done a lot of disinfecting
her symptoms were much less than mine
she seems all recovered and i am lagging behind somewhat
when we or i should say she did a lot of keeping our place germ free while i was down for the count
at that time when i got sick we had 2 containers of generic clorox wipes
this is what we were using to keep our counters and door knobs and bathrooms scrubbed down
as we were nearing the last of that first container of wipes
i told my wife she
we need to find more wipes
we could find none nor i am sure could many of you
i read where they had added hydrogen peroxide to the approved list
i found a bottle and put it in a spray bottle to supplement our wipes
i also ordered a bottle with each grocery order from instacart
sorry on the last order there is no more in stock
i asked my wife she where is that clorox we had
she said oh i gave it to my mom since we never used it
i borrowed it back
made a solution per cdc guidelines and scrubbed the counters in the kitchen and dining room and bathroom everywhere i didnt think the clorox would damage things
warning some disinfectants sold may not or probably do not kill this virus
so watch what you buy
it should have the clorox wipe ingredient or clorox ingredient or hydrogen peroxide on it
also some wipes have just a little peroxide so that doesnt help
then i found a video on how to make my own wipes
i did one container with about 30 pieces of old tshirts soaked with the approved clorox recipe
i then use them like i would a clorox wipe
then i did the same for hydrogen peroxide
i stuffed pieces of old tshirts into a jar and soaked it with peroxide
i use them like a clorox wipe
so surveying our supply we have
1 full container of generic clorox wipes
i full container of my made up clorox tshirt wipes
i full container of my peroxide tshirt wipes
3/4 a quart of clorox which i will use to keep my t shirts supplied
2 bottles of peroxide which i probably wont be able to find for awhile
i was thinking the other day
what else could i use to keep things wiped down
i wipe down our outside door knobs to our stairways
our rail going up the stairs
the light switches in our stairwell
our door knobs inside and out on our front door
we change shoes as soon as we come in the door since it can be tracked into your house
i wipe down all counters and cabinet knobs and things like the microwave and stove and frig etc that we touch a lot
then i try to keep our electronics wiped off every day
afterwards i wash my hands real good
so i was doing a computer search to find other disinfectants when my wife she started talking about
doing the laundry
we share a laundry here so we ie my wife she has to be careful
that made me think
where is that box of oxiclean that i bought a few months ago i asked her
its in the laundry she said
could you bring it back to our condo
what is the active ingredient in oxiclean that works
its called hydrogen peroxide
thats what removes the stains off my garden dirty clothes
now i use oxiclean spray on all my garden stain jeans to keep them clean
i had bought that box to save money i thought thinking i would just mix up a solution and put it in a bottle to spray on my clothes
it clogged up the sprayer
so i verified that yes when you mix up oxiclean into a solution it turns into hydrogen peroxide and water
you can wipe it on like the clorox wipes and leave it on just to be safe for 5 minutes plus
wipe it off with water in case a residue gets left
the hydrogen peroxide turns into water and oxygen
it should kill the covid 19 virus
if i was to chose one that probably works the best it would be clorox that was mixed up with water per cdc guidelines and wiped onto surfaces and left for several minutes
that for sure kills the covid 19
the others should also that we are using
here at the condo
i think we are set for several weeks with disinfectant options without worrying about having to get them from the grocery store or pharmacy
kill those virus
keep things wiped down
wash your hands a lot especially when you come in from outside
we wash ours before we leave just to be safe
we wear a mask anytime we go outside
we are staying away for now any grocery store or pharmacy etc
we keep 10-20 ft away from people
yesterday i was at our community garden working on my plot which is isolated in the far corner of the garden
i try to go when no one else in there
a couple of gardeners came up to talk to me
i made them stand 20 ft away from me
to protect them mostly
i touch nothing in the garden except what i bring with me and only use my tools and supplies i have stored in my garden area
be safe
follow the rules
the organicgreen doctor
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