i tend to be a pleasant laid back person
i dont want to be a grumpy old guy when i continue to age
i have changed my mind
i want to be as grumpy as i can be
like that old lady in the laugh in show who would hit anyone over the head with her purse if they sat down beside her on the bench
i always said to myself im never going to be like that when i age
i had an elderly relative that none of her younger relatives like to be around her
she was always complaining about us being noisy getting into things etc
i thought
when i get old i dont care what those grandkids do im not going to be like that
now mr hudson and ms b i want to personally apologize now today for how crumpy i will become over the next few weeks and months
this week i read this research
hopefully when my grandkids read it later in life when they can read
they will understand
in this article linked here i read about the research from the university of geneva that said that cranky old people for some reason are better able to fend off alzheimers disease
they found that after looking at brain scans and at cognitive testing over several years that certain personality traits protected old folks from neurodegeneration or brain cells dying
these included old folks who were less agreeable had a natural curiosity and who had less conformism
these grumpy old folks fared better when it came to areas of the brain that usually lose brain volume in old age and in alzheimers disease
ie their brains didnt shrink as much
the meaner you are as you age the better
man am i going to be hard to live with the rest of my life
the organicgreen doctor
LOL... You go Dr. Nash... be as cranky as you need to be to make sure your brain stays healthy and your here to be grumpy!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm safe. I've always been a bitch.
ReplyDeleteI pray to be kinder...I am already crochety...thank you for sharing...Neva Moten
ReplyDeleteLOL you're so funny... going to have to work very hard at that, going against your nature. :)