last week i talked to a group here in the santa barbara area about alzheimers
it was following a one hour session from the alzheimers association on a alzheimers and other dementias presentation
i was asked to talk for a few minutes to the do a q&a session for a total of about 30 minutes
i have a 50 minute talk i do on my story
i chopped off 40 minutes and did a brief 10 minute talk on my story on how i got to where i am today
i allowed 20 minutes for the q&a session
when i do these i always write down my top 5 questions i get asked
i must say usually those get asked so i dont ever have to go to my list
so it was that day
they easily asked the ones on my list and more
the q&a session lasted 40+ minutes and was stopped because they had to be out of the room by a certain time
we bumped right up against that timeline
in fact the lights were turned out just as i stepped out of the door
before i left that day from our condo i added a 6th question
i do sometimes get asked either in person or via facebook or email about online computer memory testing
i wrote
#6 password memory test
ive written about this before
what i meant was this
i randomly make my passwords that are at least 8 characters long some are 10
i have 2 google passwords 1 yahoo password 2 facebook passwords 2 bank account passwords 1 blog password 1 twitter password 1 credit card password
so thats 10 accounts of at least 8 characters so thats a total of 80+ characters i have to remember each morning
here eg would be a new made up one
i do that on purpose typing them in separately as i log on
i dont do the automatic sign in stuff on my computer
can you do that
my wife she cant
im sure hers are all on automatic sign in
for me
its my early morning memory test
when all do all 10 of them
i sit back in my chair
take a big sip of coffee
take in a deep deep slow breath
slowly exhale with my eyes closed
i think out loud
im good
then i move on with my day
i know
that that day may come when i cant do this
that happens
all those life changes i need to do need to be put into full action
while i have time to be the one to decide
giving up the checkbook
stop driving
being monitored while using the computer
maybe activating my power of attorney
putting on my arm bracelet that acts like those things they put on sharks and fish and animals so my wife she can look at her cell phone and tell where i am at
safely at i hope
i took my password computer memory test today
i got a 100% rating today
im good
the organicgreen doctor
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