over the last 9 years i know where i am with my memory since being in the research studies over that time i get my memory tested at least 3-4 times a year
i feel comfortable to say i know where i stand when it comes to the status of my memory
so if you do the math i have had my memory tested at least 36 times during this time period
for someone who is not part of some memory research or doesnt see a doctor regularly for their memory
well now there is a new study ongoing where you can get your memory tested online in the privacy of your home as part of an ongoing research project
its called the apt webstudy
apt stands for alzheimers prevention trials
click here for the link to the apt study website
there is a short video on the website link
click here for the nia link to the study
the three lead researchers are nationally known alzheimers researchers
basically you go online and sign up to be on the apt study
you do memory testing every 3 months online
they might ask you to submit a swab of your cheek if you agree to do genetic studies
i presume thats to test for the apoe 4 gene which is the late onset alzheimers gene that increases your risk of getting the disease
25% of us have it
if its noted that you may have memory issues or that you have developed changes in your memory they may refer you to a local clinic or i guess you could see your own doctor for further evaluation
they also will offer you a chance to be in a preventative research study to slow down the memory loss
the apt study is sponsored by the nih national institute of health and nia national institute of aging and the trial match from the alzheimers association
i would sign up but dont qualify since i recently was in a treatment trial and am looking to get in a new treatment study when my 6 months waiting period is up this fall
you can do this in the privacy of your home at not cost and no obligation
i really feel like early recognition that i had memory issues and aggressively doing what was available to slow it down is the reason i am not worse nine years later
the apt study is a good way to know where you are with your memory and to get followed on a regular basis
it also will provide you with a chance to be in a research study if you want to
i would be apt to do it if i was you
the organicgreen doctor
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