this picture is mr h when he was younger
this below is about granger smiths son river smith and his gift of life
granger smith is a country singer
his son drowned in a tragic accidental drowning recently
he was three years old
i was so happy when ms b learned to swim knowing that if she fell in she could get to the side of the pool and get to the steps
its mr h who has to learn to swim
we hope to dunk him in the pool some since he is back from his eventful washington dc trip
soon though when he gets his dialysis tubes put in his little belly he wont be able to swim until after his kidney transplant
we hope to let him enjoy the water until then
for him to get a new kidney it has to come from two sources
a deceased donor
like little river smith who drowned in that tragic accident
this child saved 2 lives with his organ donations
a deceased kidney doesnt last as long as a live donor
it saves a life
his familys donation of his organs saved two lives
so for mr h we are looking for a live donor since it will last sometimes twice as long
by then innovation eg may lead to other ways to grow his own kidney when his first kidney fails
so he could get a kidney that was grown from his kidney cells
the deceased donation is one of happiness and wretched grief
the live donation like this one in this article is one of happiness
recently as i stood face to face with someone who wants to donate their kidney to mr h
i told them
it takes a special special person to do this
i would give my kidney to mr h if i could qualify
i would admit im not sure i could do it to someone else not kin to me
it takes a special person to do that
toddler river smith saved two lives that day at dells childrens hospital in austin texas
please read his moms instagram posting in the article here
yes i teared as i read her posting
it seems i and others did a lot of that last week
organ donation is a gift of live and a gift of love
make sure you let your loved ones know that if you die you want your organs to be donated
i did tell my wife she to please donate everything that can be donated
my eyes
i wouldnt want someone to get iritis or my cornea that has a scar from that agave thorn and those lenses that arent good
everything else is ok with me
of course
my brain is already been donated to ucla when i die
many drivers licenses have on them a place to put that you are an organ donor
remember lots of folks die waiting for organ donations
go to for information on donating organs
the organicgreen doctor
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