welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Thursday, April 11, 2019

santa barbara country n news-more indoctrination

this is ms b in her school garden with my hat on and having just planted french fillet green beans which she planted herself in a 6 pack veggie tray several days ago
on this day when she wore my hat we brought them to her new school garden where she planted one of them and allowed her fellow classmates to plant the others
she also gardens at her house where she with my help has planted sweet peas and carrots and peppers and kale and tomatoes and lots of onions
she is developing a love for gardening

she also comes over to my garden plot at the trinity garden where she is like the family circle kids that runs all over the place
she feeds and talks to the chickens
we either have bread or maybe old stale chips to give them
we pluck something from my garden to feed them
their favorites are chips and swiss chard and kale
well their favorite is a good ole juicy snail
she then goes to my garden and waters it by hand
if we need to plant something we plant that
like recently we planted some christmas lima beans along the wooden structure in that picture
i told her those are beans for santa claus
she was hooked then

her favorite place is in the citrus orchard and under the big ole pepper tree
it seems all kids follow that same route from the chickens to the pepper tree
now of course mr h  has started trailing along at all of these places
he absolutely loves the chickens
he has got to pet them several times
i hold out their sunflower seeds in my hand
they forget he is around
they eat
he pets
hes happy
in the garden
his favorite is onions
he loves to grab the green onions in his hands
at his and ms bs garden at home the onions look like a weedwacker knocked off the top few inches
he loves the dinosaur kale
you can just see his little hands rubbing over the rough texture back and forth

the other day
when i wasnt looking and i was holding him i looked down and he was gumming a kale
i saw the green in his mouth
i went after it but never found it
oh well
kales good for him
just dont tell mom i said to him

now havent i done a good job of indoctrinating them in the garden

the organicgreen doctor

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