yesterday while i was getting my monthly infusion at ucla i had a new nurse that ive not had before
i asked her
have you voted yet
but i plan to tomorrow
its my first time to vote ever
i plan to go to the polls to vote since i want to experience it all
how old are you i asked
she said
im 32
it this election is too important she said
she in our short initial conversation put it all in perspective
your vote our vote their vote
it all counts
its all important
when the day is over today
we should all be happy and proud
even if we lose
our system seems to be working
at the end of the day the american people will have spoken
what their final answer is
thats the way it will be for another two years
oh my we have to do this all over again
it seems we need some rules like some of the european countries do
whatever happens today
our system is doing its job the way it was all planned out
i hope over the next two years that the parties can come together someway
to permanently not temporarily fix
healthcare apparently this one is the number one issue folks worry about we didnt hear enough about this one from both sides
the immigration system just fix the damn thing so each president cant mess with it
taxes some more breaks for the middle class and lower income folks and less breaks for those upper income folks who dont need it
you know the saying the rich get richer the poor get poorer
thats what seems to be happening now
racism this may be the one that destroys our country
the national debt actually this one may need to be first on our list
it may ruin us all financially
this vote is real important
if you havent voted
Go Vote
the organicgreen doctor
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