i never watch tennis unless serena williams is playing
i watched all her matches in this years us open
i watched every minute of the finals match
i dont have to watch some news reports on what happened in the match
i watched it myself
since it was dvred i even rewatched parts of it
i wasnt there at the match
i got the second best look of the whole event
i would have loved to have been there
hear exactly how loud the fans were
i bet those stands were moving like in an earthquake
i think even though i wasnt there
i got a better look and feel for what was really happening
since i heard the commentators and saw lots of replays
my opinion
serena is the greatest womens tennis player ever
there are only a few elite athletes in the world right now
like lebron james or tom brady or maybe now aaron rogers
serena is up there i think with lebron james
on this day this weekend
she wasnt the best player that day on the court
it was the 20 year old
naomi osaka
hands down the best
now im not a tennis expert
i could see she had more power
was more mobile
had more accuracy
she was the best that day
she will be i think the next serena
she already is the next young serena
i foresee watching her and putting her on my to watch list
of course with serena
since like with lebron james or tom brady or nolan ryan
you want to see as much of their playing as you can since you know
the end is coming
like with michael jordan now
now the controversey
i saw it all and heard lots of comments when it had just happened
the coach thing is never ever called
even naomis coach was coaching
its like traveling in basketball in the nba
they dont ever call it especially on the elite players
that call shouldnt have been made
she slammed her racket on the court
no doubt on that
you could really see her power she had by how crunched that racket was
the abuse of the ref
referees should not decide a game or a match if they can help it
in basketball and football at the end of games you see a lot of penalties
and fouls that are not called
they let them play
we all know that
players know that
referees know that
this referee who every one admits is one of the top refs in tennis
should not have potentially decided who won
serena should have been told like the nba referees do
warned her dont do that again or you get a penalty
he didnt
she didnt stop
she lost a game
it may have cost her the match
now i agree with serena about the abuse ive seen in the mens games and some womens games
but especially the mens games
oh the abuse those guys gives those referees
i use to watch it and wonder why dont they give them a penalty
never did that i saw
could she have come back even with the loss of that game and that point
she was noted for doing that
coming back when down
theese penalties made that comeback less likely
it would have been nice if he had warned here
naomi could have won completely based on her ability and skill that day
this cloud woulnt have been over her first us open win
the first of several probably she will win
i must say
serena was classy the way she handled it
calming the crowd down
allowing the shy naomi to have her moment
serena in that moment was a true champion
good job naomi osaki
we look forward to watching you play more and winning more in the future
you are now on my dvr list with lebron serena tom and aaron
the organicgreen doctor
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