my wife she is always sending me emails of articles
i just read them and smile
sometimes they trigger an idea for a blog
like this one
since ive been thinking about the weather
as the whole united states seems surrounded by hurricanes or tropical storms
just look at the weather maps of our hemisphere
were surrounded
she sent this link to me about how hot is it getting where you live
you will find the link below
i know we moved here over a year ago looking for this paradise weather
that we have heard about and experienced as visited here over the years
we moved here
it seemed like the texas heat just followed us at times
now i dont know how many 90+ days we have had since we moved
it was a lot
last october here was one of the hottest october on record
it use to rain in october now it doesnt
so i clicked on the link to see how much hotter it was here since i was born
sorry it only goes back to 1960
in santa barbara in 1960 there was 1 day of 90 degree weather
in talking to locals that lived here for years many since birth
they definitely see a difference
most folks here dont have air conditioning
so i checked spots where i lived at this link
i looked at 1960 2017 and whats expected in 2050 when ms b will be 35
and mr h will be 32
santa barbara 1 2 3 somehow that dont seem right since we had a lot last year
unless maybe the temp gauge is near the beach
1960 2017 2050
southern arkansas 72 85 110
little rock arkansas 66 80 102
high desert ca 97 114 118
near los angeles 33 51 68
austin texas 101 112 134
you can see no matter probably what city or town you put it
its getting hotter everywhere
call it what you want
i call it
climate change
my opinion its
a man made heating up
from the cyclic thing that happened in this world for thousands of years
one we cant do anything about
one we can
hopefully we can slow this down some
if not
it wont end well for all of us
ask the dinosaurs
the organicgreen docor
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