i am a week away from receiving my final infusion in the i dont know if i am getting the placebo or not aducanumab study
after this infusion i will go into the next phase of the study which i will call i know now i will not be getting the placebo but will be getting the real thing aducanumab study
my journey all started when i decided to enter a study to feel like i was doing my part to find a treatment or if we are lucky a cure for this disease
i saw my mother and my younger brother struggle with this disease
so i entered a study to be in the normal control group
thats when things changed
i got diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment the precursor stage to early alzheimers disease
it changed my life and my familys lifes
i entered the adni 2 study for 5 years then from there went into the aducanumab study
which uses monthly infusions of an antibody against the bad beta amyloid in the brain
this stuff being deposited is where alzheimers starts
stop it and you might slow down or stop alzheimers
it seems this is what it may do
so how did i find these studies
i went to these two sites
trial match via the alzheimers association website
these led me to the alzheimers center at ut southwestern in dallas
i wanted to do my part
what is one of the two major obstacles to finding a cure for this disease
go look in the mirror
thats right
its volunteers for these studies
without them
these new treatments wont happen
help us
find a cure
here is an article from the national institutes on aging that lists multiple websites for where you can volunteer for studies
there are studies in every state
the other obstacle is money
research doesnt just happen
it needs money lots of money
the feds now pour more money in for research
but we need more
bill gates threw in millions for research
thanks bill
a lot of funding and edcuational services come from the alzheimers association and the other independent ones in each state
most of these sites have alzheimers walks to raise money
you can go to www.alz.or/walk and type in your location and they will give you your nearest alzheimers association walk to end alzheimers
in texas
this alzheimers texas independent alzheimers site has several walks in central texas
in arkansas the arkansas alzheimers has several walks in that state
in the los angeles area
the alzheimers greater la has its walk on october 28th
this is the group i am doing a alzheimers panel on early memory loss at the ucla medical center santa monica on september 29th
in santa barbara
i will be doing the alzheimers association walk on november 3rd
i will be posting a link to my teams page ie organicgreendoctor soon so you can sign up and or donate to our team
i will be doing a talk at the valle verde center in santa barbara on october 4th and for the alzheimers association
in southern arkansas
my younger brother joe died in his early 60s from alzheimers disease
he was diagnosed in his mid 50s
his diagnosis and death and my moms diagnosis and death are what drives me to find a treatment or cure for me and those of you who are destined to be diagnosed with this disease
my mother nell was diagnosed in her mid 70s and died in her early 80s
they both lived in southern arkansas
his wife and children have a team in the southern arkansas walk to end alzheimers on september 22nd
they had a long journey with him
they want to honor him
they want to help find a treatment for his kids and grandkids and their cousins and their uncles and aunts and for those others of you who are destined to be affected by this
awful alzheimers disease
here is the link to his team
#team joe nash
if you can sign up and walk with them and or donate to the cause
for those of you who couldnt make the long trip to little rock in the past to support his family
and well also to support the nash family in our fight against this disease
show up to show your support for them and for us
volunteer for studies
walk and or donate to the cause
we are
so so close
to finding a treatment and a cure
im doing all i can to advance the cause
we need all yalls help
the organicgreen doctor
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