5 months ago i wrote this blog a muddy beach about a beach in nearby goleta called the goleta beach
i think it as a poor mans beach
i guess thats why they dumped hundreds of big truckloads of mud and debris and junk and who knows what else in this beach
by digging a deep hole and filling it up so the ocean as the tide would come in and the waves would wash over this what smelled like a cess pool to me
the waves and tide would pull whatever was in that cess pool out into the ocean
the hope was that over time all that stuff would be pulled out to sea and the water around the beach and the beach itself would return to normal
it didnt quite worked as planned
why would they dump all that stuff here
i think it was some deal made years ago
this beach has been closed since the first truckload was dumped there
its been closed about 6 months now
if you could look to the left of the above picture
up on a bluff sits the university of california at santa barbara campus
just below the campus and the bluff is a walkway down to the ocean
you can see paddle boaters and surfers and beach activity going on
not far way
just to the right in the below picture
sits that cesspool at goleta beach
ive been their twice
once when i wanted to see for myself what it looked like and smelled like
the second time i brought my wife she with me
we walked out onto the wharf where fishermen were catching fish even though it said no fishing allowed since the water may be poisoned or should i say is poisoned
from there we walked by the cesspool beach
ms be would have said that smells bad pyoo wee
from there we wanted up the path around and through the campus to a great lookout over the ocean
this site of the ucsb was once a marine base that was closed
it was shelled by the japanese during ww2 by a sub that surfaced below the cliffs and started shooting away
yes the japanese attacked the mainland during ww2
good thing they werent doing it today they would probably get sick from the water
when you look out over the ocean from there sometimes you see dolphins sometimes whales alot of kelp beds
way in the distance you can see the menacing oil platforms that caused that disaster that almost destroyed santa barbaras tourist industry
we saw no one swimming at all in the beach area
the smell would be enough to keep you from the water
i did worry about the poor folks that caught fish off the wharf and ate them
all that debris and mud and juices with who knows what from the thomas fires and the montecito mudslides getting dumped there
good for montecito
bad for goleta
now over 6 months later they have decided to reopen the beach
the biggest problem was the bacterial counts wouldnt go down
well lets see 100s of big dump trunk loads of $&!( just got dumped there
sure that areas contaminated
it was and probably still is
the day the reporter that wrote this latest story was there
there was no one swimming in the water even though it was ok to do so
you know
we arent stupid
i sure hope this area recovers back to where it use to be
its a beautiful location just below the campus
it could be a secret place a lot of folks dont utilize
heres hoping for a full recovery
i still dont understand why they were allowed to dump this stuff on this beach
just down from a campus where 25000 students attend
i thought this was a green environmentally sensitive county and state
a definite black spot on its record
the organicgreen doctor
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