a year ago you came to stay at the country n
for a week
while there we introduced you to garden dirt
although you were a little squeamish at first about the dirt
you eventually went all in
both hands deep into the soil
getting dirt under those pretty little finger nails
what happens is you get inoculated with the good
germs in the soil
that may help boost your immune system
thats why farm kids dont get sick as much
dont usually have as much problems with allergies
and asthma
we were just making you more healthy
you also learned to pet a chicken
pick up the eggs
pick up and hold the worms in the garden
a fear you no longer possess
fast forward one year
you readily go into the community garden
talk to the chickens
feed them food scraps and old bread
pick up the eggs
change the water in the bird bath with the
pretty blue bird on the edge of it
you reach down and sometimes pick one of the
strawberries that grows in the kids garden
some of which i help maintain and plant
last week
since i was given access to another garden plot
i designated a 4 ft square section for you
we added compost fertilizer and liquid molasses
i chose two tomatoes
a juliette and a sungold
both proliferative cherry like tomatoes that
should grow most of the year
that you will love to pick and eat while in the garden
you even like the sound of them
repeated them back to me
you dug the hole
added a spade of worm compost
mixed it all in the hole
we emptied the tomato out of the pot
down into the hole
we then watered it in good with the watering can
we placed a taller than me bamboo pole
tied the tomato to the pole
we are just waiting for the tomatoes to grow
we also
added some bush french green beans
that you will love to eat off the vine
we dug another hole
slid the big pumpkin plant into the hole
covered it up and watered it real good
what a big ole pumpkin you should have for
halloween this year
we planted those pretty christmas lima beans
those big calico colored beans that all the kids like
to play with
so later in the fall we can pick them
maybe youll eat some of them
we are getting you indoctrinated into the green world
it seems to be to your liking
you are now
a gardener
the organicgreen doctor
Welcome to our world!