Friday, March 30, 2018

alzheimers news-is he guilty

Image result for organicgreendoctor
recently i read this article about a man
with alzheimers that lives in ohio who was arrested
for shooting his wife
he is in jail on a $1,000,000 bond

not the main reason but one of the reasons we dont
have a gun in our house
is that deep down i worry about what would happen
as this disease progresses
as one gets more confused and more demented
would a demented person take that gun
and make some poor decision with it

usually if the gun is used
the dementia patient turns it on themselves
thats not the way i way to go
i would like to just lay down one night
and never wake up
just go while working in my garden

not in some traumatized way

i know there was the case where the husband
took his gun
shot his wife who had advancing alzheimers disease

was he guilty
but he was sane
will he go to jail and serve time
should he
legally yes
should he

what if he had used sleeping pills or another drug
should he

this most recent case
is a little different
he has the dementia
he for some reason shot his wife for why we dont know
based on his diagnosis
we may never know

one of my worries
for my younger brother as his disease advanced
was the guns he had in his house
he being an avid hunter
could have easily grabbed one and in his state of confusion
shot himself or someone else
his family removed the guns from the house
thank goodness
so should you

folks with alzheimers disease have a problem with depression
ill let you know
as someone who will be facing this downfall down that
slippery slope one day
it crosses your mind
you do think about it

when the time comes to do something
like in the movie still alice
the mind isnt good enough to carry it out

back to the ohio man
is he guilty
is he like the person who is mentally deranged
who kills someone
they are found not guilty because of mental illness

is there a statue for
not guilty for murder because of alzheimers disease

how would you vote if you were on the jury

dont worry about making them upset or mad at you
please remove car keys and guns from their possessions
both can be lethal
to themselves or to others

the oganicgreen doctor

Thursday, March 29, 2018

sb country n news-theres gonna be more


here where i garden it doesnt freeze
the temps maybe got down in the low 40s some
but not much

so when i do my spring planting i dont have to worry about
my tomatoes freezing like theyve done every year for a long
time when we lived in texas

so now that the days have warmed to the 60s every day
its time to plant our spring summer stuff here
i planted what was going to be 5 tomatoes
well you know how it is when you go shop for tomatoes
they all look so good
every year i end up with more tomato plants than i have space for

i said i wasnt going to do that this year
i did it anyway

the problem was
my plot i have which is around 20 ft x 10 ft is real crowded now
with all my tomatoes and my peppers and my onions and
my garlic and my kale and my swiss chard and my basil
and my beans
i need more space

lucky for me
the person owning the plot next to mine decided to give it up
i was first in line to ask for it
as i went to the garden after all the rains
and after being gone for a few days
those weeds
just exploded
just took over the new plot
another 20 ft x 10 ft plot

so i started hoeing and digging and raking and cuzzing
i eventually removed all the weeds
three wheelbarrow loads
recycling them of course to the hot compost area

so once i cleared off the plot
i realized the soil seemed to be in much better shape
that the first plot i got
heres what i did
plan to do

i used string to set the borders of my plot
i then dug a 1 foot trench around the border
dumping the soil onto the plot
the trench was then filled up with mulch
then i packed the mulch down into the trench

this mulch trench will act as a moisture sink
that will keep the area surrounding my garden from
being so dry this summer
whenever i water my garden or if it rains
the sink will hold the water

my calculations are that that 60 ft trench can hold
400+ gallons of water

over time the mulch will break down
one day it will be compost that i will just dump
over into the garden
i will replace the mulch as i need to

then i subdivided the plot into 4 ft x 8 ft beds
with walkways between the beds
each walkway was dug down 1 ft
the soil was dumped onto the bed
then the trench was filled with mulch
increasing my water retention capacity
and my composting ability

then later i will bury my 5 gallon worm composters
in each of the smaller plot trenches
to have the worms make more compost for me

so this garden bed will self make most of the compost
ill need for the future
its almost compost self sufficient

before planting
i added 4 inches of organic compost and a good sprinkling of
organic fertillizer
this was then forked in with a larger 3 ft garden fork with tines
that are over 1 ft long
this was forked about every 4 inches across the beds
this allows the compost and the fertilizer to fall down the holes
providing goodies deep into the soild
then the bed was raked over
a good soaking of liquid molasses was added
this increases the bacteria and fungi growth in the soil
for the worms and the plants

then this bed is ready for planting
in this bed will go three tomatoes cherokee purple sweet 100
and sun gold and okra and armenian cukes and canteloupe
and ms bs pumpkin and purple hull peas and christmas lima beans
and bush beans and whatever else i can fill in to the empty spaces

in the other bed we have the 7 tomatoes and 3 peppers and squash
and eggplant and basil and kale and swiss chard and bush beans
and vining green beans and malabar spinach
soon we will harvest the 100+onions and the 50+ garlic

this is about the same amount of stuff that i planted when i was
at the country n in texas
i got a garden consult
from miss b
we brought her little bench to the garden
she sat it in
i said
ms b
see that 4 ft square by your bench
thats going to be your garden

we gonna plant a pumpkin for you and tomatoes and beans and
carrots and whatever else youll eat

she smiled as she looked up at me
she knows and understands

we are getting there

the organicgreen doctor

Friday, March 23, 2018

alzheimers news-theres more coming

Image result for organicgreendoctor
in 2010 when i was diagnosed
it was 1 every 69 seconds
its 1 every 63 seconds
by 2050
its will be 1 every 33 seconds

i guess we arent making headway are we

in the last few years the deaths from alzheimers has increased
125 %
while most other major diseases like heart disease has decreased

we spend around $277 billion a year on alzheimers in the us
$186 billion of that is paid for by medicare and medicaid
if we could diagnose it early we might save 25% of the cost of
the lifetime care of each alzheimers patient

we cant afford to not do something about this disease

here is a nice article on all this

early and more accurate diagnosis is now available
like that i have had in the private world and in the research world
which in the future will allow us to began treating folks
when treatment arrives on the market which will save us money
in the long run

ive read where the life expectancy of a white male has dropped
maybe since they are dying earlier they wont get alzheimers
although heart disease and diabetic folks tend to be at an increased
risk for alzheimers
we cant win can we us males that are white

if we dont find a treatment or cure in the future
the numbers of folks over 65 with alzheimers disease
by 2050 will triple in numbers

by 2050 someone will develop alzheimers disease in the us
every 33 seconds

theres more coming
we cant afford to not do something to slow this disease down

the organicgreen doctor

Thursday, March 22, 2018

my last trip home

sometimes when i start a book it can take weeks before i read it
i usually read it only at night before i go to bed
this summer it took me 3 months to finish my book

when i find one i like
i usually like drinking a fine wine
just sip it slowly to appreciate its quality

well this time
this book
well it was and is different

my wife she got a copy to review for the author
looking for any errors etc the editor missed
after she finished the book
i got to read it

well what do you think my wife she asked
the best word i can use to describe this book
its powerful

it grabbed me and wouldnt let me go for about
two weeks
i was thinking about it when i wasnt reading it
is the mark of a good read

the author i have known since i was a child
in fact she claims to have taught me in sunday school
when i was preelementary
that part i dont remember

her novel
is a memoir novel
she changed the names of the characters
some she combined together
since i know most of the characters stories i know who
they are

some were neighbors
some were relatives
a few were former patients

as far a i can tell the story is an accurate description
of her life
as accurate as a memoir novel can be

now my father was a minister in this area back in the 1950s
my sibling married their spouse who grew up in this area
i lived within 2 mile range of most of the characters in this
novel from the 9th grade to two years out of high school
like her i eventually drifted to california

later after medical school i ended up near this community
fulfilling a three year national health corp commitment
i left for various reasons after the 3 years were up

many of my siblings live in this part of the state
i go there at least once a year for our annual summer
family reunion

my parents are buried at the church mentioned in the book
the name of the church wasnt changed for the book

like her
i dont necessarily agree with many of them
socially politically and spiritually
like her
this area is embedded deep deep in my soul
there is a love and respect for the place and the people who live
these folks are hardworking and would
give you the shirts off their backs if thats what you needed

this area is not as its portrayed in the book
times have changed
most of the families mentioned in the book
have done well for themselves
there is not a backwardness that is often portrayed
for that part of the country
many of them are much better off than those of you
who live elsewhere

so the author
let me read several chapters over the last few months
before the book was published
when read in its entirety
the book was well just more powerful

a relative of ours was allowed to read the book
i asked her last night about it
i cant put it down she said

i must say
even though its powerful
i did a lot of laughing at times
im sure i woke my wife she up more than once
i also did a lot of crying
a lot of soul searching
thinking a lot about my past
like the author
that its amazing
that like her
i have been able to get through it all to be

i know that like her
one day
i will make that
last trip home

you probably will read this book quickly
since its hard to not think about it

i knew what the story was and how it would end
i still couldnt set it down
i couldnt wait to read it

this book will be available on amazon in may
here is the link to preorder the book

click on the above link to read some of the reviews

my wife she and i were discussing it
we both looked at each other
we both agreed
its sort of like the best seller
hillbilly elegy
sort of
he like the author also self promoted his book
all the way to a best seller

its a powerful powerful disturbing book
a must read

the organicgreen doctor

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

rain song

sitting here listening to the rain on our metal roof
on our front porch
im thinking and hearing rain songs in my head
rain rain
let it rain let it rain
stop the rain

once when living at the country n on a mid july night
my wife she and her mom and her aunt were gone
on a trip

i was asleep in the middle of the night
you know in texas sometimes these storms
just pop up out of nowhere
it can be clear blue skis
then not long it will be raining like cats and dogs

so it was this night
for some reason i had my bathroom window open
what woke me up was hail and rain on our metal roof
if you have ever been in a metal roof building
you know how loud that can be
the wind blew hail and leaves through the window
across the bedroom onto the opposing wall

i woke up with a start
thinking i was in a war and was under attack

as i focused
the rain was the hardest i had ever heard
i quickly turned on the tv
now its about 2 in the morning
it seems tornadoes
like they seemed to do sometimes
went a mile north
another went a mile south
lucky me

im sure if my wife she had been home
well i know she would have
she would have been hunkered down in our concrete
brick shower downstairs
her go to storm cellar
im sure if that house was ever blown away
that shower would have been left in place

the next morning
the river a quarter mile away sounded like a huge ole
freight train coming down the tracks

we got 10 inches of rain in just a couple of hours
it was the most flooded ever in all the years we lived there

Image result for pineapple express rain in santa barbara

so now as i sit here listening to this nice steady slow
i think of our country n and how pleasant it was
to be inside listening to the same type of rain
now after realizing living here for the last 8 months
since the huge thomas fire that destroyed the trees
and shrubs and grasses above us
the alamo fire north of us earlier in the year
that what we saw as nice steady rains in texas
theres no way in texas we would ever be concerned much
for the rain thats due to hit here in the next 24-48 hrs

the pineapple express
the atmospheric river
moisture off the pacific from hawaii way
will come pouring right over us

if you drive here in santa barbara you realize that
the roads from the mountain side down to the beach side
are a down hill incline that if you were on a bike
or a skate board you could just coast down hill
without pedalling
its easier to walk from our place to downtown
than return back to our condo
you fast walk down
slow walk back up to our place

does the water do the same
but it gets a head start way up high in the mountain
down the stream beds picking up momentum and
debris and huge rocks as it goes
causing devastation on its way to the ocean
there is in these burn areas and these stream beds
nothing to stop that momentum

thats the way its going to be around here for the
next several years until
the trees and brush regrow
until a lot gets washed down to the ocean

every major rainfall will cause several communities
to evacuate until it passes
this is the third time in the last few weeks

what they say in the austin area would be a much needed
can be a devastating one for those around here

lucky for us is that the mountains didnt burn above us
the fire was headed that way when it was stoppped
leaving a fire map that to me looks like the map
of montana
with the area above us being idaho

yes im enjoying the steady rain
it was nice to sleep to the sound on our porch roof
im hoping it slows some
for those under the burn areas

the organicgreen doctor

Monday, March 19, 2018

whats a retriever

thats what i asked my wife she
a retriever
whats that
ive never heard of a name like that
a retriever

a retriever is one who goes and gets things or retrieves them
why would they call themselves the retrievers
after i googled
retrievers definition
thats what it said

i dont understand i told my wife she

so on facebook i saw a friend who posted about how great
the retrievers were doing in basketball
you mean those kids or students or managers that get the balls
after the players shoot them in warm ups
and throws them back to the players

why would they honor those folks on their jerseys

i texted her
whats a retriever
she texted back
in capital letters
if you are texter you know what they means
either she was mad or excited
no !! were seen
no she said
its a golden retriever

now i understand
a marley

our marley we left behind in texas
it was the sweetest best kid loving people loving dog
ive ever seen
he would never ever hurt anyone
it might lick them to death maybe

ive said many times
he is the absolutely best dog ive ever been around

i thought
well this umbc retriever team in the mens ncaa tourney
university of maryland baltimore county
they be my new team
my wife she and i called them
our marley team

they were the 16th seeded team
which means the powers that be thought they were one of the
worst teams in the tourney
they had to play the 1st place team
the worst team has to play the best team
the easy game goes to the best team

marleys team beat the virginia team
the top ranked team in the tourney
not by just a few points
by a lot
beat the stuffings out of them

marley in his new home in texas
would have been proud of his retriever team

last night we watched the second game the marley team
they lost
they played hard
one thing i noticed was how nice they were
like marley
when the other team player was knocked down
fell down
they reached down and picked them up
just like marley would have done

they have this little gnat of a point guard
who was like a little hummingbird flying around
my vote for the best player to watch

they were gracious in defeat
many of the teams or players are not
they acted like you would like your kids to act
be good sportsmen even when losing

marleys team should be proud of what theyve done
they did their team mascot well

you go marleys

the organicgreen doctor

Friday, March 16, 2018

alzheimers news-im sleepy

Image result for organicgreendoctor
i seem to say that to my wife she twice a day
once after lunch
the other
after supper

i do notice its worse in regards the after lunch sleepiness
a week after my infusions i get monthly in the
aducanumab study at ucla

whether or not its really that im not sure
i guess one day if i find out im getting the placebo
then ill know those infusions didnt do it
it maybe was
a placebo effect

sleep is important in regards to developing alzheimers disease
as you are sleeping there are garbage cells that are
programmed to go into the brain and clean up any debris
that has accumulated
this seems to happen during your deep sleep
this usually requires a good 7-8 hours of sleep for
all this to happen

part of this debris that accumulates is the bad beta amyloid
that is produced and builds up in the brain
its that bad beta amyloid that kills brain cells as it forms
plaques of amyloid
this is what is thought to be the cause of alzheimers disease
the accumulation of amyloid
the lack of adequate sleep exacerbates this
it may not be the only cause but it makes it worse

so a good restful adequate sleep is important

now researchers in a recent article found that this excessive
daytime sleepiness may indicate an individuals risk for
alzheimers disease
man am i in trouble

in this mayo clinic study following 70 year olds with excessive
daytime sleepiness for seven years with amyloid brain scans
they found 22% of them accumulated the amyloid
in places where alzheimers disease usually starts in the brain

so does the excessive sleepiness cause the accumulation
does the accumulation cause the excessive sleepiness
the chicken or the egg theory

get adequate sleep please
the early in life you start the better

i wonder what is going to happen in all those young folks
who dont get enough sleep due to cell phones computers
excessive lights working etc
just ask any high school or middle school teacher about this

they are doing a long term experiment on themselves that will give us
an answer in 40-50 years

im hoping it wont happen to them

the organicgreen doctor

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

a beautiful mind

there are a few brains that we as a society would be
better off if they could have been saved
and kept working

his was that way
his body was a wrinkled shriveled mess from the motor neuron
disease that affected him in his early years

he continued to use his mind
by communicating with us with the blinking of his eyes
he contnued to think and let us know what he was figuring
out as it sat in his chair
the computer writing what he was blinking

black holes
the existence of god
things that i cant comprehend
he thought of them

what if we could have saved that brain
to help society way way into the future
he was the real artificial intelligence

these brains dont come along very often
at least
we got him here on this earth for 50 more years than
was expected when he was first diagnosed in his twenties

i wonder what he was thinking
when he started fading away
down that long tunnel of darkness
right before his lights went dark

im sure he was thinking right to the end
wouldnt we like to know

rest in peace
stephen hawlking
he was here just a brief history of time

the organicgreen doctor

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

the other bracket

Image result for uconn women's basketball mascot
there is another ncaa tournament that will start soon
its the womens tournament

now the last few years all you had to do was watch the
last game of the tournament to see the uconn women
win it all

what they should do is just give a special trophy to
the uconn womens team
have another trophy that the rest of the field plays for

i like womens basketball
they shoot better it seems than the men
they are better free throw shooters than the men
they actually play defense
they actually run offenses
its like the game use to be in the mens games
most of the players play for four years

i really havent watched much womens basketball this year
i watched all three of the baylor texas games
they sure dont seem to like each other
that baylor coach she sure has fire in her belly
i wouldnt ever want to make her mad at me

i watched bits and pieces of a tennessee game
because of my fondness for their former coach
pat summitt who died from alzheimers

i havent watched any of the uconn womens games
only a few were even close
texas got within 4 points of them in their game with them
others got around 10 points
lost by like 40-60 pts
they needed a mercy rule in those games
i heard the managers played in those game just to be fair

so this year in the tournament
i will watch all of texass games
probably all of baylors games
that center for baylor is a big girl
how does she always seem to find those big centers
im hoping that somewhere down the line
that baylor will play texas again
can they beat texas 4 times in one season
yes probably

i also will be watching uconn closely in the tournament
when they play a good team
i want to watch that game
to see if they can be beat

they are 32-0 so for
i wonder if they will still have that zero in their record
when this is all over

the other bracket games could be good ones
as long as they dont play uconn

the organicgreen doctor

Monday, March 12, 2018

my biased bracket

Image result for march madness 2015
i admit im biased when i fill out my ncaa mens basketball bracket
i have my highest bias towards
the arkansas razorbacks and the texas longhorns
two teams i always root for unless they play each other

so lets get this over with
arkansas will win its first game but lose its second to purdue
as will the longhorns as they lose to cincinnati in their second game

now if you take all the teams that had a player get busted for
accepting money from agents and their agents lose
i decided i couldnt do that since there would not be many major
teams left

now i didnt pick duke this year
i dont like duke this year
they may have cheated i dont know that they did
but something there doesnt pass the smell test
like old eggs left laying around too long
plus i dont like their tripping player
he got issues that one
hes going to get his long overdues if he goes to the nba
they have a way of taking care of those things

the nba needs to have a larger number of d league teams
those minor league teams to catch those players who want to get
paid more to play
leaving true college sports players to play college ball
maybe give each one of them a stipend for food and entertainment
and clothes etc
at least let them work during the school year in their off season
many of these folks are from poor families who cant afford to
give them money

yep d league and pay the players might help some of the
money corruption thats going on

so looking at the brackets
i see virginia playing tennessee with virginia in the final four
i see north carolina playing xavier and winning their way to the final four
i see villinova beating texas tech  then on to the final four
i see kansas getting beat by michigan state letting the spartans into the final four

then i see villanova playing north carolina in the finals
with the blue
my favorite color
winning it all
north carolina is my pick to win it all this year

let see was i right last year
i cant even remember who won last year

the organicgreen doctor

Friday, March 9, 2018

alzheimers news-predicting your chances

Image result for organicgreendoctor
now i know my chances of getting alzheimers disease
its as near 100% as one can get

what about you

my memory has been tested multiple times over the last 8 years
enough that when i do the tests
i know how well i am doing with my memory

over 1 year ago i had a several session evaluation of my memory
to get qualified for the biogen aducanumab study that i am in now

this last wednesday as i wrote in my wednesday blog i did my
1 year followup exam
in 6 months ill have it repeated as we end the first part of the
aducanumab study

when they started asking me my questions and having me
draw stuff and identify things i knew when i was finished
where i stood with my memory
i dont need no report from the study to know where im at
i know
i have not worsened in the last year
at best i may have improved
its not worsening that makes me feel better about things

what if you
those of you who have no symptoms
what if there was a way to know if you were going to
get mild cognitive impairment the stage right before
full blown alzheimers
some researchers thinks its the first stage of the disease
thats where i am at right now

what if you could be tested

here are the stages of alzheimers disease

prealzheimers   normal memory
mild cognitive impairment mci   mild memory loss
alzheimers disease  memory loss

researchers have found testing that is over 90% accurate
by testing small changes in multiple genes that when they
are all added up can predict whether someone years
before the disease shows up as memory loss
will develop mild cognitive impariment

its called polygenic risk assessment

its available in research now

lets just say that if thats the testing folks would have done in the future
those of you who are really worried
like i was in my 50s
i wanted to know
if this becomes available then you could find out
if you will get mild cognitive impairment ie early memory loss

what if a treatment for this was available
you could be treated years before the disease was
programmed to start
you might not get alzheimers

its amazing how it seems that little pieces of the puzzle are
being discovered every day
the whole picture can be all fitted together one day
so we can prevent folks from getting this disease

in the meantime until all this becomes available
if you are worried you will get it
eat right
quit smoking
get adequate sleep
be active mentally and socially
control your health like diabetes obesity cholesterol blood pressure
enjoy life
you will be ready when the treatment gets here

the organicgreen doctor

Thursday, March 8, 2018

against the odds

if your child was born without a hand or arm
what you do
would you overly protect them
would you try to keep them from doing things
riding a bike
playing sports like basketball soccer volleyball baseball
football gymnastics cheerleading
would you try to protect them

these three people were born that way
their parents didnt protect them
something we all probably do way too much
to our kids without any structural problems

Jim Abbott Cannons.jpg

the first was jim abbott
he was born without a right hand
he pitched left handed and yes batted left handed
he pitched for the university of michigan
he pitched 10 years in the major leagues for several teams
he pitched one no hitter
he pitched on the us olympic team

he was a successful athelete
against all the odds
some would say
not him and the other two below

another person was one i wrote about a few years ago
this little girl was born without a hand and lower arm
that didnt ever slow her down

click here to read my original blog on her story

she successfully played growing up
volleyball basketball track soccer softball
she was a fun to watch cheerleader at those
cheerleader contests

i have watched the videos of her tumbling over and over
amazed every time
like i was watching jim abbott pitching
how he could move that glove over to his pitching hand
in one fluid motion
i was amazed at abbie as he used her one hand and lower arm
to support and do those amazing flips that cheerleaders
you know the ones where they flip from one end of the basketball
court to the other
i always told my wife she
she is my hero

she when you see her you are struck by her beauty
and her intelligence
really not noticing anything else
her personality sort of shines through

she is nearing the end of her high school years
on to college soon
probably not as an athlete but as a student
a successful one im sure
maybe a writer or teacher or researcher or doctor or lawyer
whatever she does she will be good at it
its that drive that got her this far

now in the nfl
there is a player
a defensive one a successful one
that is now at the nfl combine
he has all the stats a player needs to be in the nfl
heck his twin brother is already there
the problem is
he was born with a damaged hand and fingers
that required amputation at 4 years old
like abbie and jim
he is without one of his hands now
Image result for shaquem griffin

his name is shaquem griffin
from central florida universtiy
he dominated their peach bowl on defense

like abbie and jim
he hasnt let it slow him down
like abbie and jim
he has that extra it
that special drive
to be successful
you cant teach that to someone
you cant make someone have it
sort of innately have it

he also has a personality that stands out in a room
he like on the football field
owns the room
he dominated the nfl combines

some lucky nfl team will get him
i look forward to watching him play on sunday

some lucky guy will find abbie
some lucky organization will hire her
some lucky kid will have her as a mother

what if we could get all our kids
to have that umf that it
that these three have

against the odds
they are making it
jim already did

the organicgreen doctor

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

alzheimers news-dontcha remember

Image result for organicgreendoctor
well thats sort of what im being asked to do today
see what i remember

i know i wrote after the alzheimers panel i was on a
couple of weeks ago
dont use the word remember is what those affected said

well today i have to test my memory skills
at the one year follow up for
biogens aducanumab research study at ucla
aducanumab is an antibody against amyloid which attaches
itself to the amyloid and removes it from the brain
its given as a monthly infusion

one of the indications that it is working is
an improvement or no change in ones memory

to get in the study
you have to undergo a lot of testing
labs scans neurological exams and memory testing

so one year ago there was a lot of memory testing
memory testing is the part of the research study that
i dont like
i call it sort of torture testing

if you have any memory issues
its bothersome real bothersome to do the memory testing

so one year ago the original testing is the baseline
memory testing that future testing
gets compared to

i had memory testing about 6 months ago
it was not as comprehensive as the beginning testing

from looking at the schedule today i probably will
have about 2 hours or so of memory testing

if this stuff is working
if i am getting the real drug and not the placebo
my memory will not have worsened
it may not  have improved
it may have just stayed the same
which is acceptable to me

i read today that alzheimers disease may be like hiv
you will be able to take medications that will stabilize
the disease so that it doesnt takeover the brain
thats ok with me
thats acceptible

my guess
my memory hasnt changed
its hard to tell if it got better since im so early into the
disease as it wasnt bad to begin with

ok i admit trump had a better moca memory test score than i did
on my first one

heres hoping i do remember things

i have to have a repeat liver enzyme test
they were slightly increased two weeks agao
i think because of the excessive acetaminophen and ibuprofen
and naprosyn along with some hydrocodone i took while
fighting the flu and the dental abscess
i do expect those to have settled back down to normal
when i had my molar tooth removed last week and
had a bone graft done
i opted to skip the pain meds completely
they wanted me to alternate the ibuprofen and acetaminophen
i smiled
i didnt do that
i did take a couple of pain pills the first night but none since

there is nothing i want to interfere with me being in the study
it has the potential to be life changing for my wife she and i

im one year in
i have at least 2 plus years to go
in 6 months i will definitely be getting the real drug

i think my remembering is ok

the organicgreen doctor

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

the best bbq

Image result for franklin bbq franklin website
people are always asking me
are you on a special diet to slow down your disease
the recommended diet is the
mind diet

i say usually
i am a 90% vegetarian
we dont eat meat that often
sometimes you just want a good hamburger
if we are in texas
some good bbq

so if im going to eat meat i want the good stuff

now i havent eaten at all the bbq places around austin tx
but i have eaten at most of them over the years

the number one numbero uno is
who else but
franklin bbq

granted you have to wait in line a long while to get it
when you make it to the front of the line a few hours later
its all worth it
oh my
my mouth is watering like crazy right now

the second best bbq place that ive eaten at
well it closed down
it was in the small community north of austin
called bertram
it was only open a few years until it closed
we ate there frequently since we lived close by
they were once rated the #3 best bbq in texas the
first year they were opened

those ribs were so good
the juicy meat just fell off the bone
all the sides were good like at franklin bbq

the previous owner still has the rights to the secret
not sure if he plans to ever use it again
at a cookout at his house

Image result for mueller bbq taylor
another one of the best bbq places in the austin area
is a short drive east of town
to the mueller bbq in an old building downtown
even the screen door as you go in has a big ole rip in it
when you walk in you can smell that good bbq smell
it seems to be reaking out of the wood
when we went i told my wife she
i think i could just lick the walls and taste the bbq
when we left that day i felt like a full tick on an ole hounddog
it wouldnt take much to make me pop open

so if i was going to get good bbq it would be franklin
or if i couldnt get in
i would make that drive over to muellers
no no kin to the prosecutor guy

Image result for tootsie at snows bbq
austin chronicle
then there is another one
i hear that its to die for bbq
if you can get it
its further east of austin
in a small 3a town of lexington
there is this little ole lady aged 83
named tootsie
that starts cooking her bbq at 200am on saturday
she only cooks so much
somewhere between 1000-2000 lbs of it
when its gone its gone
she opens up snows bbq at 800am on saturday morning
they are open until its gone
i heard dont go there for lunch
there may not be any left

there is a long line out the door
rain or shine
if you have been to franklin bbq you know what
thats like

she works 30 hours a week at the local school district
the bbq is her weekend job

she is up as a finalist for the prestigious best bbq in the southwest
never heard of it she said but shes happy shes nominated

that puts her bbq up there with the  best of the best

her bbq is always up there with franklin bbq in the
texas monthly best bbq awards

here is a nice article on her and her bbq

its a feel good article
when you read it you will
feel good
want some of her bbq

the organincgreen doctor