many of us do the new years resolutions thing
i did it this year
didnt write them down
i just did them in my head
you know
the usual stuff we all write
many of the things we never do
there are resolutions that i do every year
they are almost absolute ones
they are
my alzheimers resolutions
my number one ranked one
the one that may possibly have the most impact
continuing in the aducanumab study at ucla
it ends in september 2018 for me
theyll look at the studys results
if they look promising
all 1000+ of us in the usa will be given the chance
to continue for another 2+ years on the real stuff
the real drug aducanumab
if it works as advertised
it will slow down the disease
how much we dont know
i do feel like i am getting the real drug
i plan on making sure getting this drug has priority
in my life
my wife she agrees
then there are the others
i will continue to talk to anyone who asks me about alzheimers disease
in fact i will tell you more than you want to know
i will eat a healthy diet like the mind diet
i will drink 1-2 glasses of red wine at night
i will drink 3 cups of coffee in the morning
i hope to improve sleep i addressed this this week now that weed is legal here
at least for now unless jeff gets a wild hair
i will stay active physically mentally and socially
i could improve on the physical thing some since i am not
working every day on our property in texas
i will plan to increase the activity
i am happy
i am not sad
i try to have my moments of zen each day
sitting here in the condo or standing in the garden or on the beach etc
i will continue to stay on my 36 point regimen of healthy things
and supplements from dr bredesens reversal of cognitive decline article
i will update and solidify my will my power of attorneys my healthcare
directive my legal records etc
if i can do all those things
i think i am doing the best i can with my resolutions
to slow this stuff down
i make resolutions every year
mine may be a little different than yours
the organicgreen doctor
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