ms b
over the years i have helped several schools with their gardens
usually offering advice and well acting as a consultant
letting the kids and the teachers do all the planning and work
i sort of provide my garden knowledge
when i can
provide donations like plants compost soil
rainwater tanks etc
once my cowgirl get it done sister in law principal
asked if i would be interested in helping her do a garden
of course i said yes
she got larger watering tanks
filled them with good soil

i got plants picking those that would grow well
and that kids might eat
like lettuce spinach swiss chard carrots broccoli etc
they loved it
so did i
then my wife shes school wanted to do a garden
i donated and set up a 5 ft raised bed for her classroom
some of her kids did the manual work
i just sort of supervised
ok so i did get my hands dirty
i made sure they
had good soil
used the right products
planted things at the right time
planted things that would grow and they would eat
i left the planting and planning the planting to them
it was one of her classes favorite places to go to
for outside classroom time
a former patient contacted me once
to help her design and put together the garden
at her kids school
she was the brains behind it all
i just again provided consultation and some hands on help
setting it all up
she and the kids made their own soil
i actually learned a lot from them and her
i even incorporated some of what she taught me
into my country n garden
am using it now in my sb country n garden
thanks mc
a fellow meals on wheels volunteer asked me
well i volunteered to help when she was talking about it
for her kids school
many of my former patients went to school there
many of the teachers were my former patients
they did all the planning and work
i provided consultation and advice
i also was able to get donated to them
compost mulch organic garden supplies left over from
my habitat for humanity landscape projects
i usually try to stay on the periphery and let the kids and teachers
do everything
its not always like i would do it
i did keep them from making some bad mistakes at times
my two nephews here went to the same elementary school
had the same teacher
you know one of those remember them forever teachers
one of those that when asked
whose your favorite
its always her
i had mine
i do think that if i was in school with them she would be mine also
she follows my blog especially when i write about school gardens
when she read i was moving here
she sent me a message
will you volunteer to help with our school garden
you betcha i said
that was one of 4 volunteer things i wanted to do
along with the alzheimers groups the community garden
habitat for humanity meals on wheels
you gotta give back
for me
i realize there are things up in my brain that i know that
others dont
that i can share with them that may improve their lives in some way
isnt that what volunteering is about
ms b
i start school
returning to help all those little kiddos like you
develop an interest in gardening
that like their love for their teacher
will last a lifetime
i hope i get an a
the organicgreen doctor
OK, I'm crying with my first cup of coffee. Tears of joy...that I get to have the magic of Dr. Nash in our school garden. Controlling me, who likes to call too many shots was asked how much I know about gardening...well, a lot, enough to know I need a true garden angel to not only help my school garden grow, but to instill the love of gardening, creating beauty, growing food, working together, creating community...well, I can't do that without an angel like Dr. Nash. How lucky are my students and their families, how lucky am I to get this organicgreenlovedoctor in my life?! Now, how to stay back and not direct. Dr., it is OK to tell me to tend to the mud pie bakery and let you work your magic. The kids already know that they need to have a magic quarter in their packet if they want to!
ReplyDeletethe day was thoroughly enjoyed