we loaded up our two cars with all that was left
we sold or gave away or donated everything else
if we couldnt get it in our two cars
it didnt make the move
of course
the first two things we well ok i packed
was our two tv sets
one big one
the other a smaller one
we packed everything around those tv sets
its interesting what we took with us
what we left that we thought was important
i guess really wasnt
it helped that we had culled out a lot of stuff
bags and bags of clothes
lots and lots of paperwork
all i thought was important but after i spent a day or two
looking at it
well it wasnt
i had talked to my rainwater brother a financial planner
about what paperwork i needed and what i needed to
just chunk away
that was earlier this year
i thinned it all out
took all that paperwork i didnt need
like i did several years ago
buried some in the garden to enrich the soil
shredded a lot and recycled it
another hard thing to leave
was all my tools and garden stuff
i can tell you now i wished i could have kept some of it
since i need it now
we had to make decisions based on our space
left in our car and our needs
i took out an old tackle box
those plastic ones you get at like walmart
i told my wife she
if i cant get it in this box
we arent taking it
looking at all those tools laid out all over those tables
what tools will i take
the first one i chose was this one
my younger brother who died with alzheimers disease
used this tool
he kept it in his pocket
when he maintained the local water system
he was always needing it to open or tightened a valve
i had told his wife i want some tool of his that
i can remember him when i use it
it was number one into the box
another was my dads old pocketknife
i never use it but i wanted to keep it
then my wifes shes small hammer
various pliers and screw drivers
a roll of duct tape of course
when i got through
the box wouldnt close
i had to remove some things
until it closed
then i put it in the car
my wife she wanted to leave a knife set that i liked to use
for cooking
you know the type that all fits into one block of wood
with slots for everything
we can get another one when we get there
ok i said
i plucked it off the shelf at our moving sale
when she wasnt looking
put it in a plastic bag
stuffed it under the tv
i must say it fits nicely on our counter in our new place

there was the chicken bowl
that my patient i called the carver
made for me
its made from a old mesquite trunk
its heavy
it will last forever
i know we could have easily sold it for more than we paid
for it
i just couldnt do it
it goes we both said as we looked at each other
we actually loaded both cars before our moving sale
if it cant fit in the cars
its for sale
thats how we approached our sale
get rid of what was left
our oldest dog maverick
may he rip
was put down as he was too old
to move somewhere else
he would have bad days then good days
we made the decision
to let his last memories be of our country n
there was marley
the best ever dog we have owned
we would always say
no he wont bite you but he will lick you to death
all i can say is
he knew a day or two before we moved
we were leaving
we were never coming back
besides sleeping maverick
and crying a lot about it
leaving marley
that left us with tears for several miles
a good friend whose dog was marleys buddy
agreed to take him
marley would have 18 acres to himself
a small pond to swim in during rainy seasons
a buddy to play with who had more energy than old maverick did
he would be in a good place for sure
so as we got in our cars that early sunday morning
to make that quick long long trip to california
one we will never ever do again
marley lay on the sidewalk
with his head on his paws
looking up at us with those sad eyes
we patted his head
hugged him
kissed him on the head
he knew
we left
we knew when our friend picked him up later that day
that he would be in a good place
made leaving him easier to do
we couldnt pack everything
whirlwind 3
the organicgreen doctor
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