today we head down to ucla
to the alzheimers center there
as i enter the 22nd week of the aducanumab study sponsored
by biogen
for those who dont know
the aducanumab is a monoclonal antibody against the
what i call
the bad beta amyloid that accumulates in the brain as
alzheimers disease progresses
causing brain cell death and initiating that snowball happening
that leads to more and more and faster and faster
rolling down that downward decline
that we call the progression of the disease
as the aducanumab binds that bad amyloid
it removes it from the spinal fluid
it also binds to the plaques as they have formed in the brain
in my case
if i am not getting the placebo
knowing my results of my initial amyloid pet scan
its spread over the brain
as it binds to the bad stuff
as it peels it off
it can be like a scab on a wound
there can be some oozing of blood that occurs
this event
can cause headaches and other symptoms
it also if it shows up on scans
gets you removed from the study
those at high risk for this to happen
are those who carry the apoe 4 apoe 4 gene
that would be me
i had headaches after the first infusion
have not really had any since then
there is just fatique a week after the infusion
i am in that period of time now
its easily helped with a short afternoon nap
as i wrote in this blog about vertigo
that i had
i thought about that this morning as i awoke
i wonder if that episode of vertigo had anything to do with all this
i hope not
since as i head down today for my mri of the brain
to find anything on that scan
if they do
thats it for this study
so we are in the prime time for these bleeds to occur
called aria
amyloid related imaging abnormalities
this will be my third mri for this study
the last two have been normal
how do i know
since they dont give me the results
if its positive for anything i am not allowed to continue
this study
the thinking is that if when this stuff gets on the market
if it works
that even small bleeds will not one day prevent you from
continuing the treatments
for this study they have to be discontinued
i personally would not discontinue it if these occur
especially if there is nothing else out there available
to help slow down the disease
i will have blood drawn today
the blood is usually tested for the level of the antibody in the body
that is still present since the infusion
also it tests to be sure my body isnt making an antibody to destroy
the aducanumab
which would prevent the aducanumab from doing its job
next up
in two weeks its infusion #7
we will be one year away from the end of the first segment
of the aducanumab study
thats when if this stuff seems to be working
if there arent too many side effects
all in the study even those getting the placebo
will be getting the drug aducanumab
for another 3+ years
we need financial support to fight this disease
emotional support to deal with it
join us as we walk this year
we will be doing the
alzheimers texas walk in georgetown texas
on saturday september 23rd
team name is organicgreendoctor
yes we will be in georgetown for the above walk
as we walk with our austin friends and family
do join us
come say goodbye to us
i also will have a team in the
santa barbara walk to end alzheimers
on saturday october 28th
team name is
join us
the organicgreen docotr
Good luck! I hope the results are just what you and your wife she want.