there are two diets recommended for slowing down alzheimers disease
it bodes well for folks trying to slow down or prevent
heart attacks and strokes
one is
the mediterranean diet
the other the mind diet
both are similar
the mind diet is really a blend of
the mediterranean diet
the dash diet for blood pressure
i like the mind diet
click on the link here to read about it
one ingredient it seems all recommend
extra virgin olive oil
extra virgin oil is well like fresh squeezed orange juice
it uses mechanically squeezed olives fresh ones to produce
the pure olive oil
the other olive oils are extracted using chemicals
extra virgin oil is the better choice
its the one recommended
a recent study at temple university showed that in mice
who were fed evoo rich diet
thats extra virgin olive oil rich diet
that the autophage cell cells
those garbage cells in the brain
were activated by the extra virgin olive oil diet
these cells clean up debris inside the brain
these mice had better memories and learning abilities than those
not fed the evoo rich diet
the evoo rich diet mice had better neuron connections than those
who didnt eat that diet
if this extrapolates to humans
which it probably does
which as far as i am concerned it does
then we all should be on this as our oil of choice
you may be smarter for it
this has been a sobering week for me
as i head back home where i grew up for our annual family reunion
i always it seems seem to come face to face with reality
as i visit
the grave of my younger brother who died at 62 with alzheimers disease
looking at his grave looking at old pictures seeing his progression
it makes it well sobering
thinking of what he and his family went through
i visited my mom and dads graves
thinking of both of them
thinking mainly of her and her final downward course with the disease
i visited with my older brother diagnosed about 3 years ago
who is on aricept donepezil like i am
that was less sobering as he seems to have improved over time
well like i have over the last several years
as i am here
sandwiched between my second mri then early next week
my fifth infusion and final one at ut southwestern in dallas
my care then switches to ucla
it all makes me
take deep breaths
really realize how lucky i am and we are to be where we are with all this
not where we expected to be 7 years ago
we need financial support to fight this disease
emotional support to deal with it
join us as we walk this year
we will be doing the
alzheimers texas walk in georgetown texas
on saturday september 23rd
team name is organicgreendoctor
i also will have a team in the
santa barbara walk to end alzheimers
on saturday october 28th
team name is
join us
the organicgreen doctor
This is great news, especially since I use EVOO just about every day!