on tuesday i went it for my #5 infusion of the aducanumab stuff
well it might have been the placebo
i will never know if i got the real stuff or not
nor will the researchers at ut southwestern alzheimers research center
its a double blind study
like i have written before
if this stuff seems to work in little over a year in those who got
the real stuff
it will be offered to all of us for another 3.5 years
extending my treatments well into 2022
heck we will have had another election by then for president
today while awaiting my call for my infusion
as i sat in the lobby
there was another couple sitting there waiting also
i went over and struck up a conversation
wow how similar this guy and i were
we were about the same age
we were both professionals white collar that is
we both were surprised by our diagnosis when it happen
we were using the same words as we talked
he said i dont want that placebo stuff
i want the real deal stuff
i said that also i thought to myself
just think if this stuff were to work in both of us
in 5 years we will be just like we are today
no better maybe
not worse
thats all we can ask for
we both agreed on this
i wish to say thanks
to the alzheimers disease center at ut southwestern for providing
care for me and helping me along this journey
the last 7 years
special thanks to
dr rosenberg
dr quiceno
dr williams
dr womack
for being on my side as we move forward to fight this
terrible disease
i as a volunteer for the research studies
them as researchers trying to find a cure
a reminder
the biggest obstacle to finding a cure
is you
there are not enough volunteers for these studies
that is sad
that we cant get the research done
because theres not enough money
theres not enough volunteers
www.clinicaltrials.gov can link you up to studies in your area
i am doing my part to fight this disease
what are you doing
everyone of you will be affected by alzheimers disease
if you are female and you live long enough
you will more likely get alzheimers disease than not
so as i got my infusion
got the needle out of my arm
drove to the airport
got on the plane
to fly back to california
i was sad
i left an important part of me back there
hopefully i can gain some of it back
we move forward to ucla to continue our fight
against alzheimers disease
we need financial support to fight this disease
emotional support to deal with it
join us as we walk this year
we will be doing the
alzheimers texas walk in georgetown texas
on saturday september 23rd
team name is organicgreendoctor
yes we will be in georgetown for the above walk
as we walk with our austin friends and family
do join us
come say goodbye to us
i also will have a team in the
santa barbara walk to end alzheimers
on saturday october 28th
team name is organicgreendoctor.com
join us
the organicgreen doctor
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