thats what i was thinking last weekend
saturday april 22nd
earth day
now that should be the slogan for all of us
we only have one of them
it cant be replaced
we cant leave and go somewhere else
if we mess this one up
yes i know we think we want to go to mars
billions of folks arent going to fit on that planet
so we are stuck with this one
there will not be another one
we need to do what we can to preserve this one
so our future generations
can survive
i remember as i have written before my first
time to see smog
i thought it was just some weird cloud color sitting down
on the los angeles basin as we drove for the first time
over the cajon pass down into that basin
my historian brother who was driving
no thats not a cloud
thats smog
it burns your eyes
makes you wheeze
makes it hard to see things at a distance
sucks to have asthma and emphysema
live down in this sewer of air
i thought to myself
now thanks to laws and rules
environmental ones
the air is better down in that basin
my dad told stories of fishing on a river near where they lived
they had a houseboat on it
the oil industry polluted the area
ruined the streams and rivers for generations
it took laws and regulations to stop all of this
when it comes to the earth
we cant take our foot off the pedal
we have to aggressively take care of this one
there will not be another
make this one uninhabitable
we are done
whatever you call whats happening
whether you believe its man made or not
its happening
the glaciers are melting
i dont see what we are doing polluting this earth
is really helping it
at all
private industry is not going to do it themselves
they have proven that for years
it takes our government enforcing rules
to make them quit dumping all that stuff in the air
in the water
in the ground
can ruin our one earth
ruining our planet
may be our worst threat to our country
take care of it
each of us
the best we can to keep it unpolluted
if not
we are in trouble
make earth great again
dont pollute
plant a tree
the organicgreen doctor
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