when i was in school my favorite writer and poet
was ee cummings
the guy who didnt use caps or commas or periods
i decided if i ever became a writer that was what i would
not use any of those things
no caps no punctuations
so as you can tell from what youve read so far
that seems to be the case
another thing i like to do but dont always do is
to use the wrong word
like their for there or theyre
i do it on porpoise
i think there is a little defiant boy inside of me
i really think thats why i write like that
as i tell my creative writing reading english teacher my wife she
its my blog i can write and spell like i want to
i will tell you
each morning as i write i just put it all on paper
the spell checker goes crazy
its all red squiggling lines all over the place
some i go back and fix
well i wrote it that way on porpoise
after i write it and do my posting
my wife she reads it
makes suggestions like she would if i was one of her students
now honey you know i would do it this way
some i agree with some i dont
so microsoft did this list of the 10 most common errors done
by writers
even well known ones
so i read them
guilty as charged on most of them
some i do well most of them i do intentionally
1 leave a space in the writing
some i do by mistake
some i do to separate a line of items or a topic like this
2 missing a comma
always do this one
ee would be proud i think
3 missing a comma after introductory pause
as i wrote above guilty as charged
4 missing a hyphen
i never push that key on my computer
guilty again
5 incorrect subject verb agreement
did you catchs that ones
now that one i always do correct unless i do it intentionally
6 incorrect capitalization
like she is good But sometimes she is not
i never have that problem since i dont ever capitalize things
7 mixing up plural and possessive forms
smiths dog eg
8 incorrect agreement with non phrases
so what does that mean
its been awhile since i had english class
its misusing this or these
not guilty of this one
i want it done wright
9 commonly confused words
they use breath vs breathe
i dont make that one
10 incorrect verb after auxiliary
dont know what that one meant either
i dont make this mistake
their example are like this sentence
i am not guilty on four of these
i am guilty as heck on the others
i know this makes some ocd teachers
it feels good when i write like this
i do admit
that since i have been writing like this for 6 years now
it has completely drifted into my emails formal writing
my texts
i do feel like that the future will bring the lack of use
of all these rules
if you dont believe me
just read tweets and texts sometimes
i am glad to just be part of the movement
the organicgreen doctor
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