this has been a strange winter
we have set several records highs this winter
have had some near record lows
the cold we had a few weeks ago did a lot of nipping of
things that have not been touched by the winter cold
here in a few years
the bay shrub got nipped good on the top
all our monterey white oaks or mexican white oaks
lost all their leaves
last winter they didnt lose any
dont worry the leaves will all come back this spring
then in the garden going from near 90 to 12
thats rough on veggies
i have had trouble getting my lettuce and spinach to grow
now my first crop did ok
but the next ones they just struggled
our plum tree blossomed out in december
of course all of them died
not sure if they will pop out this spring our not
looking at them yesterday
i dont think they will
our peach trees half of them have decided its spring
have popped out blooms real early
if a hard freeze comes there will be no peaches on those trees
now these always bloom early but not this early
heck even our asparagus has decided to start producing
it delicious spears
its usually april when they pop out
i also saw cucumber beetles on our blooms
to me they look like ladybugs but are green
there also is a lot of bees butterflies and ladybugs everywhere
especially ladybugs in the house
since we seem to be having a mostly warm winter
i went and bought some large 1 gallon pots of tomatoes
then transplanted them into 5 gallon pots
i also got some peppers and transplanted them into 1 gallon pots
i plan to move them in and out of the greenhouse on nice days
which have been almost every day and night recently
i am hoping to get them in the ground in late march
so they will get a head start on producing tomatoes
earlier for us
i got celebrity early girl and juliettes for this early start
if i plant others i will plant heirlooms later
directly in the ground
our citrus bush is even starting to bloom out
we keep in in the greenhouse all winter
i use a small small paint brush to pollinate the blooms
its definitely a strange one
who would have thought i could leave tomatoes outside
for 3 days in february
i am no longer sure what a normal winter is suppose to be like
here in central texas anymore
the organicgreen doctor
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