my major in college was biology
having gotten a bachelor of science degree
from the university of california at riverside
i developed a love for nature
especially the high desert
i lived in california for 6 years
i didnt see as much of it as i wanted too
i was always working and going to school
i made it to disneyland several times since
it wasnt that far from where we went to college
i made it to the beaches and to the nearby mountains
went to yosemite once when a relative lived in that
area for awhile
so many of the places one would want to see
i we didnt see when we lived there
so i have this bucket list of things i want to do
things or places i havent seen
just this weekend i told my wife she
you know
i have never been to the redwood forests in california
it is hard to believe i we never went there in the years
we lived there
as i was talking to her
i was imaging standing under that big old redwood tree
the one that everyone drives through
i wanted to stand in that big hole in the base
to have my picture taken
i told her this weekend
on our next trip to california i want to go there
i have mapped out the trip several times
whenever we go visit there
it seems other things always takes precedence
things like a new grandbaby
so it was sad this morning
like finding the obituary of someone you know
in the obit column when you open up the local
newspaper feed
just a few weeks ago
there were at least two tv segments on the
central texas gardener pbs show
on trees that topple over and why
the drought
lots of rain
in california they have had both of these recently
it is with sadness
i write here
that the beloved giant sequoia that those folks in the 1800s
carved out the big hole in the bottom of the trunk
so folks like me could stand in it
so folks could drive vehicles through the middle of it
at the same time
being mesmerized by its size and regalness
that big ole sequoia came crashing to the earth this weekend
to be no more
i have missed my chance
to fill up my bucket list now
pioneer cabin
rest in peace
the organicgreen doctor
Sorry you did not make it. We did go through it several years ago.