i think its better for our country
when one of the parties
has the presidency
one of the houses of congress
not all three
definitely not have the presidency
neither of the houses of congress
thats called stagnation
nothing gonna get done
when one of the party has all three
then you can get total dominance by that party
like with obamas first term
they controlled all three
although they did manage to get things done
there was still an anchor
on that big ship
that kept it slowed down
that anchor was
they didnt have the 60 votes to run things through the senate
that anchor sort of kept things
well honest if you will
kept the ship slowed down some
now he has control of congress and the presidency
starting in january
like obama said in an interview this week
the government is like a big ole aircraft carrier
not a speed boat
its not easy to slow it down and turn it around
yes there will be this anchor that slows it down
well keeps one side from going too far
which is never good for us
that anchor is the senate
it will be 52-48 if the votes follow party lines
in congress if you want to get something done
well you have to compromise to get those 60 votes
its interesting if your are in control
you dont like that 60 vote thing
if you lose the election
you are for it
all i can say is thank goodness for that anchor
someone somewhere knew what they were doing
there is a good chance some of his nominees wont make
it through congress because of this anchor
you cant have all foxes guarding all of the henhouses
the former governor of texas as head of a department
that he couldnt remember the name of in the debates
a department he wanted to eliminate
he may be the number one fox thats appointed
when you look at the constitution
well if you read it
those writers were pretty smart guys
putting in all those controls on government
that has stood the test of time
anchors away
the organicgreen doctor
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