welcome to the organic green doctor blog

i am a family physician who was diagnosed with
early mild cognitive impairment(mci) amnestic type on december 21, 2010
this is a precursor to alzheimers disease
because of this diagnosis i have opted to stop practicing medicine
this blog will be about my journey with this disease
please feel free to follow me along this path
i will continue blogging on organic gardening, green living,
solar power, rainwater collection, and healthy living
i will blog on these plus other things noted to be interesting

Monday, October 10, 2016

for our loved ones

thats why we were there saturday
for them

i have chosen alzheimers as an area where i volunteer
a lot of my efforts

here is one way i do it

i was asked to do the prewalk talk before this weekends
alzheimers texas walk
i have done this before at other walks
at the travis county alzheimers texas walk in austin texas
in front of several hundred folks
we raised close to $100,000 for this walk

here is sort of what i said

i asked how many in the audience had a loved one
who has or has had alzheimers disease or other dementias

there were hundreds of folks that raised their hands

i told them like them i and my family had been also
affected by this disease
my mother nell
my younger brother joe
both died with the disease

my father charles probably had it when he died

my older brother charles was diagnosed with what will probably
turn out to be alzheimers disease

i was diagnosed with a precursor to alzheimers disease
i take aricept (donepezil) for it
i am in alzheimers research studies at ut southwestern in dallas
i have seen this disease up close and personal
its ugly

thats why i was walking that day
to honor my family affected by alzheimers disease
for those that were there today for their loved ones
affected by this disease

we need a treatment and cure
one i think is on the  horizon
we need your help

thats what i said
with some tears in my eyes
ok so i choked up some
a lot of tears in peoples eyes
waiting to walk for their loved ones

i was asked to be interviewed by two austin
tv stations
of course they interviewed me for 20 minutes or more
of course
took out only a few seconds of the interview for the
local news that night

when you watch the whole segment
you get a good idea of what the walk was about
how i felt about this ugly ugly disease

you can go to the link below to see the interview
segment on our walk

here is the link
to the interview
click here

you can still donate to the walk
this link
to our team austin regional clinic
this link

the organicgreen doctor

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