inside red grapes red wine raspberries and dark chocolate is
a chemical called resveratrol
there is this barrier in the brain
called the blood brain barrier
that keeps chemicals and cells and infections out of the brain
like body guards standing at a gate not letting folks in
that dont need to go in
originally it was thought that the inflammation that triggers
the reaction in the brain that leads to alzheimers
was caused by substances inside the brain
now its thought that immune attackers may be coming from
elsewhere in the body doing some of the inflammation
via a leaking bbb blood brain barrier
eg some folks think that inflammation in our gut
may be one of the sources
a recent study showed that resveratrol increases a substance
called sirtuin 1
which increases another chemical mmp 9 in the spinal fluid
that makes the bbb block immune attacks against the brain
to keep bad things out
folks like me with the double apoe 4 gene
thats associated with the increased risk of developing
alzheimers disease
have a lowered sirtuin level
thus taking resveratrol by us affected folks may help
it appears that immune attackers may be one of or may be
the cause of alzheimers disease
so it seems by taking resveratrol
you may block the attackers
slowing down the onset or projectory of alzheimers disease
so add these foods in your diet
there is a lot of work being done to produce a pure form
of resveratrol that may work better
in the meantime
i am taking it every day
its also on the reversal of cognitive decline protocol that
i am on
plus it gives me another reason to drink a glass of red wine
each evening
it takes 1000 bottles of red wine a day to get enough
resveratrol to have this effect
so i also take the pill

lets put a boot to alzheimers
donate and or join my team organicgreendoctor
for the alzheimers texas williamson county walk on september 24th
to join the team you will need to register first
to only donate just hit the donate button
the organicgreen doctor
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