each year as i garden for fun and food
i realize
i am glad i dont do this for a living
last year our 7 peach trees were loaded
when i say loaded i mean loaded
the limbs were touching the ground
thats how loaded they were
plus i even thinned them out a lot earlier in the season
the production was so great and the peaches just bigger
and heavier
down to the ground those limbs went
there were so many we couldnt keep up with the harvesting
so many became overripe
so we gave those to the country n chickens
now this year its a different story
we had a warm winter
each variety of peach requires different hours of cold weather
apparently this year
only 1 of those 7 peach trees met those criteria
now this tree that produced these peaches
the only one we will get peaches from
its an old old tree
in fact i almost cut it down
since the trunk looked so gnarly twisted rotten
wasnt sure how much longer it could stay alive
while listening to the garden show
john drumgole suggested just keeping those old trees
until they just fell over or died
so thats what i decided to do
i fully expect to go out one day after a big storm and find
that this tree has blown down
so here is our one 5 gallon bucket of production of these sink peaches
i see frozen peach fuzzes and peach cobbler in our future
next we harvested our potatoes this week
we got a full bucket of them also
these were planted in mid january
i dig them up when the plants starting to die
it seems earlier and earlier each year now
climate changing i guess
these are stored in trays i save from the garden stores
in our garage in a dark corner
we will eat these over several months
its the onions
we got some biggens this year
these are all 1015s
called this because thats when you plant the seeds
i plant plants i buy in bunches of 25+
i planted close to 300 of them
occasionally eating some as they grow as green onions
these were planted in a bed where i have undergound pvc
about 36 ft worth with holes in them
i poured liquid fertilizer solution in the pipes to water them
you could almost see them explode in size
a few days after each watering
i waited to harvest them until the onions start to fall over
that time has arrived
these are stored in my garage and in my bbq area until the stalks
dry up
then the onions are trimmed up and put in panty hose
then hung from the garage roof
in onion chimes
we cut them down as we need them
providing us onions into the fall
im sorry but you cant buy this good tasting produce at the grocery store
maybe you can at a good farmers market
it just tastes better when you grew it yourself
try it yourself next year
the organicgreen doctor
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