i try to be as apolitical as possible
when i write my blog
i cant help it sometimes as it just bleeds through
from my writings
now i like most of you
no matter your political leanings
are totally 100% disgusted
with the 2016 presidential primary contests
if i could find another candidate to vote for
one who maybe wasnt part of a national party
one who hasnt been influenced yet by all the
corruption that exists in politics
no not trump
maybe a candidate who is a true independent
well this morning as i was browsing my facebook
there on a friends page
thanks ls
was this picture
well i looked at it
all the candidates were there with signs all in a row
all linked to a party
all politicians and well the other guy
well he is another story
there it is
my new candidate for president
a true independent

i also plan to go with pinestraw
dont know if they are male or female
black brown yellow red or white
gay straight
tall short
obese or skinny
it doesnt matter to me
i say
lets leave those other folks behind
lets all vote
future president pinestraw
a true independent
the organicgreen doctor
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