Monday, February 1, 2016

this is payment enough

i knew that i wanted to volunteer one day for habitat
every since i watched jimmy carter doing habitat builds
over the years
Image result for williamson county habitat for humanity
so when i retired five years ago i jumped right in
showed up one day at a build
have been going back every since

this weekend at the annual habitat retreat
it started with three family owners
the first was the first owner that has been in her house
for 16 years
in 4 years she will own her home outright
a feeling that 16 years ago she thought she would never
ever experience

it changed her life
a single working mom with 4 kids
it pulled them out bascially out of poverty
a pit they would have never got out of
into a respectful neighborhood
a house without rats roaches broken windows bad landlords etc
to full home ownership
as she said it saved her life and her kids lives

the whole room mostly volunteers had not a dry eye left
it got worse though
i had to use my sleeve since i didnt have any tissues

cinder block vegetable garden Central Texas Gardener
the last one was a single mom and her son
new homeowners for a year

the above picture is a garden we put in for them
it was featured on klru central texas gardener

they lived in an apartment complex where a fire burned all of
their possessions
then lived in a motel for 6 months
then lived in a rat infested debilitated house for months
before they got their new habitat house
a life changing event for them

the final straw that day was when the son was asked
what it meant to have his own home
as he started talking he began to cry
well we all were crying
as he explained he has his own room
his own house
his own yard
his own neighborhood he feels safe to
play in
new friends to play with

we all almost had to stop right there after his testimony
the next person is the next upcoming homeowner
a single mom with two kids

well ill just let her tell her story which she does so well
in this youtube video
yes she also had us all in tears
click on this link to see the video

so folks
this is why i volunteer my time
the habitat for humanity builds
they feel good we even feel better
yes we all cry sometimes together
we also laugh together

consider donating money or your time or your stuff
your local habitat for humanity where you live

i did
i do
im a better human for it

you can be also

the organicgreen doctor

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