three years ago i ruptured the disc in my back
the worst pain ive ever had
barely relieved by the drugs i was taking
several days just have disappeared from my memory
they are real foggy like
i remember the severe pain
the numbness in the rt leg
the loss of strength in the lower leg
now months later
i have residual nerve damage
noticed only by myself and the neurologist
as he recently did my neuro exam
displayed the deficits
i already knew them
i have trouble standing on my tiptoes
i trip sometimes real subtle like
most probably dont notice
at times at night i have nerve pain thats uncomfortable
so its with this perspective on what a disc can do to
an important nerve
i watched peyton manning play football yesterday
knowing that his disc was in his neck
affecting his throwing arm
knowing what has happened to my leg
knowing the same process was going on in his arm
and his throwing arm
there must be this loss of strength in that arm
that affects his ability to throw passes
especially affecting the accuracy and speed of the passes
just the loss of strength holding the ball
his story seem more remarkable
he is mainly using his brain to win these games
its his brain
his cerebral approach to the game that other teams coaches
and players fear the most
omaha omaha
not sure what that means
but im sure it scares and bothers the other team
whats he doing when he yells that
now granted his team the broncos have the best defense this year
manning yesterday used his brain again
made some good passes
heck he even ran like an old horse to make a first down
the leading rusher he was for awhile
then also having suffered from severe planter fasciitis like
he had this year in the past
knowing how painful and long it took to heal
im amazed that he could run at all
make those passes that require him to set himself
on that bad foot
make passes with that nerve damaged arm
hes the man alright
my mvp this year
go broncos
go manning in the super bowl
the organicgreen doctor
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