yesterday was a holiday
called mlk day
mlk stands for martin luther king jr
i feel he was the greatest american who lived
during my lifetime
had he not came along and preached his peaceful
approach to the black movement
our country might have been involved in some type
of guerrilla warfare
since there was a militant phase that was developing
mlk eventually took over the movement
what he had to say
hopefully youll read his speeches
even better listen to his eloquent speeches
they involved nonviolent protest
i remember where i was when he died
sad to say at that time i was surrounded by
folks who didnt like him
later after his assassination the cities most large ones
starting burning
it looked like what you see on tv now
i remember going to little rock at this time
seeing in the distance part of little rock burning
helmeted police were everywhere
an uneasiness was everywhere
so i hope you can have a dream
he had his dream
now i know im a baby boomer
your dad and mom are generation xers
maybe older millennials
wonder what your generation will be
i expect yours wont care about race that much
the majority of folks will be non white
maybe by the time you are the age of your parents
there will be a new race
a multiracial person who really doesnt identify with any
particular of our present day labels
maybe that would be a good thing
what problems it would solve here in the us
if we all looked alike
yep i like that
a new american race
i can dream cant i
maybe your generation will be called the peaceful generation
the organicgreen doctor
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