alzheimers affects 5 million+ people in the usa
alzheimers is the 6th leading cause of death in the usa
some think its the 3rd and of the top 10 causes
of death its the only one without a treatment or cure
alzheimers will develop in 5 people in the usa
while you are reading todays blog
alzheimers will break medicare soon in the usa
if a treatment or cure is not found
those are some alzheimers facts folks
this week was veterans day on wednesday
i saw a lot of pictures and posting about veterans
many were my relatives
some were my siblings

then this week on his wifes facebook page
up pops this picture
an article about the plight of this veteran
as he and his family struggles with the financial
and emotional devastation this disease causes
he is in his 50s
here is the newspaper article of jims story
read it
his wife writes a blog called
missing jim confessions of an alzheimers wife
a gut wrenching read
it is on my list of blogs i follow on my blogs home page
read it
i think his story resonates so much with me
it seems to mirror so close
my younger brothers course with this terrible
alzheimers disease
both were young and robust
there cant be anything wrong with these guys they said
they look so healthy
they were wrong of course
now he is a veteran
retired after his 20+ years with full benefits
apparently none of these benefits are helping them
with the expenses of his care
since he now has to be placed in a long term facility
he has two young children
you can imagine the devastation they feel from
losing their dad to this awful disease
he has reached that stage where he has become a
danger to himself
if youve had a loved one with this disease so affected
you understand what im writing about
the point is reached where its best for all involved
to move them out of the home to the facilities
a gut wrenching decision that has to be made
like most americans they are not prepared or able to
provide the monies it is taking to provide for his care
take a few moments and read this story from
the newspaper article
if you have it in your heart make a donation to his
gofundme page
their goal will be to raise $60000
this will pay for about 333 days of his care
in a regular nursing home
a true memory care center where he needs to be
is much more than that
he im afraid will probably need several more years of care
as he falls down that downward slope of
the alzheimers decline that all with this disease takes
a sad story
that im sorry to say
will have a sad sad ending
the organicgreen doctor
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