over the last 5 years since my diagnosis i have been
interviewed multiple times by newspapers and television
and radio reporters
but last week i was interviewed by a reporter from the
above newspaper
here is the link to their website
the article will be available online soon
its now available in paper form at local businesses
and at their office
when i got home i told my wife she
that was one of the best interviews ive had of all
that ive had done
the reporter seemed to know what questions to ask
she when i read the newspaper article
my essence
maybe at my funeral one day
hopefully years from now
someone will read that article aloud to all who attend
this my friends i want them to say
is the essence of
the organicgreen doctor
he did good
for others
special thanks to ka for setting this all up
today i do another alzheimers talk in a town nearby
called burnet
it is to the local state agri extention clubs annual meeting
there will about 50+ folks attending today
i like doing these talks
like in the above article
i talk about how i was diagnosed
my family history my personal history
what testing should be done for memory loss
what new testing is available now and will be available soon
what a person can do to maybe slow things down
what new treatment studies are going on
what links for more information
then the best part
i answer questions from the audience to hopefully give them
answers they are not finding elsewhere
thats my essence alright
here are some slides from my presentation for you
and those who attended it today

those above the question marked tests are the ones
that most need to have to have a complete memory loss workup
those who havent had those may not have had a complete

these things above may slow down the development
of memory loss
some think in some cases they may even prevent
memory loss
you should be doing all this anyway
all your life
i attribute my improvement to doing all of these
taking my aricept (donepezil)

these are treatment studies that are ongoing now
they are looking for study subjects
the top three are on folks who have no symptoms
the colombian study is on a family with the dominant alzheimers gene
who have no symptoms
all three are using one of the new alzheimers vaccine
the sniff study is using nasal insulin
the bace inhibitor is a pill that inhibits an enzyme that
produces the bad beta amyloid
folks they are looking for volunteers
go to www.alz.org or click this link

the www.alz.org is the best website for finding out information
for patients families caregivers or medical providers
the texas capital website is the local chapters
they can provide a lot of information for whats available
the clinical best practices is about what workup and treatment
is available
its from the texas health department website
the last is the research center where i go
which by the way is where i will be week from today
october 10 travis county in austin
team austin regional clinic
october 17 little rock
team #joe nash
in the am we will be walking with the austin regional clinic
team in the largest of our walks
at the beautiful camp mabry
come join us
no donation is required
ill be there in my yellow committee tshirt
will be walking for the purple and a cure
the organicgreen doctor
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