thats what my wife she and i say about
having you in our lives
all the time we say this
now this phrase also applies to whats now
available around here
weve been missing it for awhile
you know we didnt have it very often
but when we did
we like it the best
there is not any better available
you see ms b
the blue bell ice cream folks let some bad bugs
get into their ice cream somewhere somehow
listeria it was
bad diarrhea it caused
i know you dont know what that is
since you are a breast feeding connoisseur
it aint fun when you get it
now ms b
knock on wood ive noticed
since i retired over 5 years ago
that i have not had a case of the trots
the only thing i can think of is
that im not exposed to a lot of sick kids like
i used to be
no dont worry this wont keep us away
from seeing you
hopefully ms b
they blue bell have fixed
their listeria problem
it did make some folks real sick
you would think that would shut them down for ever
nope ms b
people have been waiting for months
for blue bell to show back up on the shelves
well yesterday it did
at selected places
i was one of the first shoppers at our grocery store
there in a display freezer i found this
you can only buy 4 of these
see that label on that gallon
thats my favorite
homemade vanilla
put that on a hot piece of homemade peach cobbler
or apple pie or pecan pie
my oh my
what pleasure that is
like when you wake up all hungry in the middle of the night
get to drink all that breast milk
now miss b
that blue bell sorry to say isnt as good for you as
breast milk
the pleasure you get will be all worth the lack of nutrition
now ms b
when you come to visit
when mom and dads not looking
ill sneak you some
homemade vanilla
the taste i guaranteeeee will be unlike anything
you have tasted so far
you like me will be forever hooked
like so many others who raided the stores today
sweet huh
the organicgreen doctor
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