for those of us who have seen alzheimers disease
up close and personal
we know what the wrath of alzheimers disease is like
weve lived it
so now if you drink a 1,000 bottles of red wine a day
you can get enough of a chemical called
to slow down the cognitive decline from alzheimers disease
dying of course not from alzheimers
but from alcohol poisoning along the way
so what the researchers did
is isolated resveratrol so it could be taken in a capsule form
here is a bottle of the stuff
here is some of the pills that have 500 mg in them
horse pills are what they are
it seems that in this small study of slightly more than 100
people with mild to moderate alzheimers
excuse me
when will they learn
doing studies on folks who already have it
may not work as well
since the disease is so well established by the time you are
that far along
why not treat folks who are programmed to get the disease
to see if it can be slowed down or prevented
seems easy to me
so off my soap box
they found that these folks had an improvement in their
activities of daily living
like eating communicating walking around getting dressed
take care of their daily needs
that their was no increase in beta amyloid in the brain
the brain shrunk in those on the reservatrol
the thinking is that the inflammation in the brain
was decreased significantly by the reservatrol
thus the smaller brain volume
the same thing happened in patients given the new
antiamyloid alzheimers vaccines
so the brain got better
the patients got better
it seems reservatrol turns on a protein called sirtuians
which changes the ratio of the amyloid proteins in the brain
a 2/3 calorie restriction diet does the same thing
well thats not going to work
is it
in the us
several months ago when i read dr bredesens article on ways
to slow cognitive decline
one of the supplements he recommended for the patients
in the study was
ive been on it since i read the article
ive noticed my brain doesnt seem quite so tight up in my skull
no i made that up
now the researchers are looking to do a larger phase 3 study on
hundreds of patients to see if this really works
as i raise my hand
excuse me sir researcher
could you please do it on those destined to get alzheimers but
who have no symptoms
folks like me who are really early in the disease process
it seems to me that we would be helped the most by all of this
i plan to bump up my dose of reservatrol to that used in the study
to do my study of one person
of course ill keep drinking my glass of red wine each night
it relaxes me
relieves stress
another potential cause of cognitive decline
two birds with one stone
here are the walk to end alzheimers we are participating in
click the links to donate and or join our team
one in a walk to end alzheimers in your area
september 26 williamson county in georgetown
team organicgreendoctor
october 10 travis county in austin
team austin regional clinic
october 17 little rock
team #joe nash
october 31 hays county in san marcos
team organicgreendoctor
november 7 bell county in temple
team organicgreendoctor
i will be the honorary chair for this event
future speaking engagement
senior expo belton texas
september 22 at 1030am
i will be speaking and answering questions on alzheimers
we need your help
we are close to a treatment and cure
its in your hands
the organicgreen doctor
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