Tuesday, May 19, 2015

on a budget

so i asked
how much do i have to spend
nothing i was told
well a hundred dollars
i was given the task of landscaping this house
for habitat for humanity 
it was a repo
well the owners just walked off and left it 
trashed i must add

its in an area of two blocks of houses that habitat has built
considering the lower income of its owners
the repo rate is lower than banks and mortgage companies

these folks put a lot of sweat equity into their house
lots and lots of pride

so i talked to the new homeowner to see what she wanted
drew up a plan 
there was no way to do it for $100

so i started scrounging around for stuff
a friend of my wife she called 
she had lava rock they were removing from their house
would i like it to use at a habitat house
you betcha i said
i brought in a load of the lava rock 
make a bed in the front of the house
cost nothing 
on the market $120 for that load
i get a call from someone who noticed an ad for free rocks
the little ole lady wanted all the rocks removed from her property
3 truck loads of rocks

i used the limestone blocks to line the lava rock bed in the 
as well as the garden bed in the front 
where two dwarf yaupon hollies and two salvia greggis were planted
two tough as nail plants that survive even with neglect

i keep a fund of money ive collected for these projects
so from this fund
i bought the above plants 
real cheap from a local nursery that gives me cheap wholesale
a yard of good garden soil to use for the beds
cost $60 

then we used the $100 for a yard of compost and sand
to spread on the yard
two yards of mulch to make a large bed around the 
pecan trees in the front and back and a small white oak
in the back 

i have a big bag of organic fertilizer i keep here at the
country n 
i donated a small amount and fertilized the grass
it cost me probably $3 for the fertilizer i used
i seeded some bermuda grass in bare spots in the yard
from a large bag given to me to use for this
so here is the end result
cost to habitat was $100
$60 from my slush fund
thanks to all who have contributed
the rest of the materials were donated

the actual cost had it been bidded out
would probably be $2000
not bad huh

the organicgreen doctor

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